addressing the screaming dog controversy

addressing the screaming dog controversy

edited by Jake Mayer

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30 Responses

  1. AliceinAnderland says:

    As an English person, can confirm Double Danny is a rich tory boy whose parents money got him into Eton but he’s on thin ice bc he keeps getting in trouble for drugs charges.
    Sorry, as nice as real Danny is, Double Danny is absolutely a menace and should be avoided.

  2. Aubryella Otero says:

    Danny not understanding the “cannibalism in 2013” reference but still going along with it is hilarious

  3. Jackie Williams says:

    Danny has to do what’s best for him, but it does break my heart a bit that there’ll probably never be any more Minecraft from him.

    • Jenifer Joseph says:

      There are so many other Minecraft YouTubers. I value and appreciate Danny as a creator but don’t really get why you would need another Minecraft YouTuber when there are so many others

  4. fashionably unstable says:

    “You can be masculine without being a dick” so true Danny

  5. Calmcomb says:

    I still have questions. Who was behind the camera that Danny looked at for reassurance?? Was this man confused by Danny’s setup in a public park? Did Danny want to pet the dog before it ran?? Did he wave to background man? Can we get some more critical thinking in the Danny right now?

  6. almond (waet) says:

    i’ve watched you for years danny, but you’re just straight up crossing a line here. this is neither the best nor funniest reaction video you did. you dont need to pronounce “GIF” as “jiff” love, you’re better than that.

  7. kuzcos poison the poison for kuzco says:

    “Is he confused or is he just lying?” I ask myself this question on a daily basis

  8. sewer~rat says:

    Honestly so proud of Danny he’s one of the only YouTubers who addresses their controversies<333

  9. amj says:

    danny, your videos genuinely make me happy. you’re a kind person. thank you for another fun video!!

  10. Ellaphant - says:

    Conspiracy Theory: Danny has already implanted himself in people’s dreams by creating Danny clones. Since the beginning of time, Danny has been creating clones and putting them everywhere. Since they are clones of him, his face is known even by people who don’t know him and so people will have dreams about these clones. Little do we all know though, Danny is in control of all of them and will continue to make them

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