ADHD but medicated

ADHD but medicated

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Here is my experience with medications for ADHD. It was an educating experience. I wish it worked better for me since they were really helpful but I just didn’t get along with the meds. Maybe I will try others in the future.

matt –
me 🙂

Thank you for watching.

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39 Responses

  1. Merps says:

    ADHD is crazy, with or without meds. Its an experience.

  2. gogopro says:

    when I was around 7, I got diagnosed with ADHD, they gave me medication and at first things went better at school, but I quickly lost my appetite and started not being able to sleep, they started giving me larger doses because the results weren’t being met, to the point where they gave me too much for my weight for a while. This went on for about 10 years until I quit cold turkey due to me wanting to get into the military. Suddenly everything improved, I could sleep better, could finally eat again and I started having more fun in life. Only a year later I went back to a psychologist, who diagnosed me with Autism, and said there was no trace of ADHD.

    • Dustin Badder says:

      @Isaac Blank basically

    • Dustin Badder says:

      Right? That medication was the worst, killed everything about my personality, tried to quit cold turkey and started having withdrawals when I wanted to enlist. Then I went to college almost failed, quit the medication immediately, enlisted and my symptoms came back pretty bad. I stopped thinking about all the symptoms as problems, and it just mellowed out a little.

    • Isaac Blank says:

      bet the meds were methylphenidate

    • Sarah Wang says:

      Military had helped you on scheduling and pay attention on orders. These are the skills ADHD and ADD person have to learn to improve their life.

    • ㅤㅤㅤ says:

      ​@trapbuilder2ADHD and autism are also very frequently comorbid so a lot of doctors are likely to either diagnose one or the other. They also tend to come with other conditions like depression, OCD, or anxiety which can increase the difficulty of diagnosis

  3. m9ple says:

    13 months on Ritalin, been wanting to get off it for the last 7, but I’m too enticed by the ability to get stuff done *sometimes*. “Do not be tunnel-visioned on results” was the thing I needed to hear today. From one ADHD creative to another with mixed results from meds, I feel you

    • Micha von Preußen says:

      And i feel like myself relatively much

    • Micha von Preußen says:

      Try Taking amphetamines instead. In my case i still am pretty hyperactive but i can focus and do things without getting distracted

    • the servant of Nitai-Gauranga says:

      I have adhd and you know what? Fuck Ritalin, I feel more l8ke myself without it.

    • Elon Wong says:

      @TheFarmboys There’s also Ritalin LA! 8 hours half life and they work well!
      I take a blend of the 10mg and the LA version. 10mg for the initial burst and the LA to maintain my day
      works well for me!

    • supergonks says:

      i’ve been there. i have adhd too and i’m telling you it’s entirely possible to control it and reign it in but it’s something that takes *years* to manage to do.

  4. Antoni Szlązak says:

    Cieszę się, że został ukazany fragment naszej kultury w tym filmie.

  5. Domitille Pascal says:

    I’m just so glad this video exists! I’m a paramedic specialized at those kind of troubles (in french I’m called a psychomotrician) and it’s so rare for people with ADHD to be “visible” on the internet.
    So, good work, and I’m sorry that your medication did not help you like you wanted. Sometimes, you need to try another one to find the good one for you, but I get it’s long and annoying!!
    That’s it, good day to you, because you just made mine!

    • Micha von Preußen says:

      Hey you, yes, you! Many people have ADHD you just cant tell by the amount of communities on here:D

    • Clever Balloon says:

      Yeah mine didn’t work as a child and I tried another type at 17 and it changed my life and made it not an exhaustive loop of stress

  6. BobbyKatt888 says:

    Crazy coincidence, but as someone who just was put on meds for ADHD, this is quite relatable video

    • Clever Balloon says:

      Make sure you eat, also the appetite repression doesn’t affect fluids so a good alternative is nutritional/calorie supplementary drinks and stuff, also the meds for me don’t fully kick in until I eat 👍

    • Bheo Wolfe says:

      Actually not all that crazy, online pharmacies have been doing a major push trying to get people ADHD diagnose since COVID resulted in a lax for the in-person meeting with a psychiatrist required to get Amphetamines. Basically easier to get drugs + more people qualifying for drugs = $$$. This is also the reason why there’s a shortage of ADHD drugs.

    • Bails888 says:

      Heyooooo 888 username gang ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼

    • BobbyKatt888 says:

      @Pink Squid eh, it’s fine


      Same! For me, vyvanse (or aduvanz here) has worked pretty well since January though

  7. Cera Han says:

    As a fellow ADHDer, I totally agree about the “bunch of people controlling your brain at the same time” part. And some one told me that it’s like having dozens of tabs on your computer at the same time and none of them are on mute. I personally feel like it’s the personification of going into Wikipedia to research something, clicking on hyperlinks after hyperlinks that seems interesting and never doing any work. But I’m on meds right now and it’s totally a game changer! It’s different for everyone but for me, my meds really helped.

    • Muhammad Bilal Amin says:

      At what age were you diagnosed and how did you know? I have a friend who might have adhd but diagnosis is not an option as of right now. I wanna talk to someone who has seeked professional help. Are you comfortable with that? over the mail or something?

  8. RPGgrenade says:

    What’s interesting for me is that my ADHD problems started with meds, I realized they did… not an extreme amount, and so I went off them.

    Eventually I found meditation practices, mindfulness, self awareness and learning about dozens of different topics relating to mind and performance along with a practice called “apnea freediving” sort of forced me into learning habits that could control my ADHD. Hard to not make yourself focus when a LACK of focus can literally kill you.

    So once I started to do all that, something changed. I basically created a NEW voice in my head that would tell the others what to do, and since the others kinda didn’t care they followed along. It was like a babysitter finally showed up in my head that was of my own preference and making. So now I still have the dozens of silly random pointless thoughts, but I can sort of… herd them into the right direction, which is powerful in itself because if they’re all doing sort of the same thing that means there’s way more chances to get to solutions faster. And I while I can’t fully multi-task, I can at the very least micromanage these voices in my head and then tell them which ones should do what and when.

    My suggestion is meditation, self awareness training and general learning, but honestly freediving is probably the biggest contributor to my learning to control it.

  9. Cuba Zuelan says:

    I love seeing videos that try to put the experience into words. People would/ and still do (until I try, and fail lol, to explain what having ADHD is) get so frustrated with me for not being able to complete a task on time or fully listen to the conversation we are having. My parents (until I was old enough for them to not think I was just making excuses 😂) would get so annoyed with me for not being able to take out the trash like they asked every Wednesday morning. I would write notes on my door, fall asleep with a sticky note on my forehead with “take out the trash!!!” written on it (I’m serious) and yet I still could not do it. And that’s something I think people without ADHD don’t fully grasp about people with ADHD. It’s not that we necessarily “forget” because we, like anyone, do. But it’s that we harmlessly lose focus or get so absorbed into something else that we don’t do what we maybe should, or need, to do. When I say “harmlessly” I’m meaning that we aren’t ignoring you, or doing something other than what you asked of us because we’re trying to be rude or let you down, it’s just that our brains are wired differently; we don’t function like others do. My psychologist put it to me this way, the way that society is structured, and how people think we should interact in/with it, isn’t structured in a way that people with ADHD can naturally thrive in without working around it. Also, I hope that no one reads all of this and thinks I’m trying to share a sob story 😅 i know that there are people who have it wayyyy worse who don’t have ADHD. I’m not a victim or anything….damn I wrote a lot of stuff 🤣

  10. Ben says:

    I was diagnosed at 37 years old, the hardest part for me was having to deal with all the identity questions I had about myself since the age of 14 that I didn’t know how to deal with and my parents basically forced me to ignore.

    • Natalie Stevens says:

      I had a similar experience when I was diagnosed at 26. I basically had to grieve the loss of the person I could have been if I’d been diagnosed sooner. I was already seeing a therapist regularly for other issues, so she helped me a lot in working through things. I highly recommend anyone who get diagnosed as an adult and is struggling with those questions to see a therapist if you can.

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