Apex Legends | Stories from the Outlands: Family Business

Apex Legends | Stories from the Outlands: Family Business

As a member of the Frontier Corps, Ajay Che hoped to set herself apart from her infamous family of war profiteers. But to help those in need, sometimes lines must be crossed…


Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.

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#ApexLegendsSaviors #ApexSaviors #ApexLegends

Production Company: Electronic Arts & Psyop
Sound Design and Mix: Source Sound Inc
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment

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41 Responses

  1. Macro says:

    When Octane’s father said “You are such a disappointment” I felt that

  2. Nicolai Valdivieso-Sinyakov says:

    I love the direction this company is taking the storytelling aspect of the game world. Its becoming increasingly immersive and you fall for the same old character with new investments. Marvel, Riot and now Respawn. Great stuff you guys!

  3. Muffeles says:

    I swear, apex should make a series on Netflix in this style, I’ts gotten to the point where it just has to happen! It would be sick!

  4. Ron Zalar says:

    Fantastic trailer, the animation is so gorgeous and fluid. They seem to get better and better with each trailer. What a ride this has been!

    • Abel Galván says:

      each story is made by a different animator & made to their own vision to tell the story. Some preffer this style, others preffer cell shaded, others in a comic still frame animation. It’s all just great story telling.

  5. Julia Cora says:

    This is one of the best looking stories they’ve put out. And it really tied together the Che – Silva dynamic more than the games had been doing and in less time than the comics have taken to try and do so.

    • Jackhamr says:

      Still, it’s amplified BY the comics, if you had this at the start of Apex and the comics came afterwards it just wouldn’t hit the same especially with all the things octane does and says and how Che responds

  6. Rag Tagg says:

    Legends saving lives, one stream at a time.

  7. Tigerbot says:

    The animation is so good, the humor is good, Octane has a leg and a face reveal, this is the best stories from the outlands.

  8. Aituar Manas says:

    Amazing animations as always. All stories are so interesting to watch and bring more depth to the whole universe. It would be awesome to watch the same level tv series as Arcane. I think it has a big potential to make a huge story combined with titanfall lore

    • Hisoka Cranel says:

      I was gonna say, why haven’t they made a series out of this yet?? The direction and production value is all there and they’ve set up a ton of interesting narrative threads. Hope it’ll happen one day

  9. Futuristicbus 61 says:

    Octane is done so well! He’s animated perfectly! Octane and Lifeline are the absolute best duo!

  10. pOOpy Harlow says:

    Loved this trailer, especially octane’s face reveal,
    I feel octane on a person level, his energy, his jokes, everything I can relate. It was such a great story from the outlands

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