Billie Eilish – TV (Official Lyric Video)

Billie Eilish – TV (Official Lyric Video)

Listen to “Guitar Songs”, out now:

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22 Responses

  1. Billie Eilish Updates says:

    it’s so cute how they added the voices of her fans at the end of the song from a concert on the happier than ever world tour

  2. aaliyah says:

    this song is so beautifully written.. “i’ll try not to starve myself just because your mad at me”. just hit really hard

  3. David Emanuel Rosini says:

    Nothing makes me feel better in this life than listening to Billies music; especially on the hard days.

    • Vantina Kandilioti says:

      Same, I used to listen to her songs to calm me from panic attacks some years ago. And now I almost had a panic attack and I went on instagram and saw that she released these songs and immediately a huge wave of relief went over my body and her voice and this music calmed me down so much.

  4. Bombisaky says:

    Amazing songwriting 🙌👏

  5. Ana Clara Barrios Riquelme says:

    Estoy tan orgullosa de tí mi VIDAAA, no puedo enserio, es q cada día estoy más feliz, y agradezco averte conocido, te amo mucho muchooo, nunca te sueltes de mi. 😿💗💗💗💗

  6. Tales Vinicius says:

    eu amo muito 😍😍😍😍

  7. Gabrielly Santos silva says:

    Essa música literalmente me descreve. Quando eu amo alguém é como se estivesse em transe,eu só enxergo ela,mas ao mesmo tempo é como se eu estivesse cega. Me desfasso de quem eu sou,me deixo de lado,perco minha própria essência,amizades…e eu só enxergo uma,talvez a única chance de ser amada,e por isso digo a mim mesma…está tudo bem,eu só estou apaixonada. E no final eu reconheço isso mas já é tarde…me torturo me considerando o problema,e isso nunca me deixa livre. Eu fico sem comer,fico parada deitada ou largada no sofá […] talvez o problema seja as pessoas que eu escolho,mas até descobrir…”Talvez eu seja o problema.”

  8. pink leopard says:

    the way my heart stopped when she referenced roe v wade. i just suddenly remembered that time is a thing, and one day people might listen to this, having learnt about it in history books. they’ll know about the protests and the turn back of time that were living through and they’ll hear it in this song and thats such a powerful thing. this song managed to capture time.

  9. David Emanuel Rosini says:

    I got chills listening to the crowd sing.

  10. Yosie Yuen says:

    I bawled when I heard it live in her concert…now, it hit me even harder with the crowd singing which reminds me of the best night of my life ❤️

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