Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only Ejected Fusion Cores?

Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only Ejected Fusion Cores?

Fusion Cores are some of the most sought after items in Fallout 4. They’re not too common out in the wasteland, are expensive beyond belief, and your Power Armor is worthless without them. But more importantly you can use them to turn nuclear waste into an actual weapon which naturally brings up an important question: Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only Ejected Fusion Cores?

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Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only Ejected Fusion Cores? (in text form)

If you haven’t dug deep under the intelligence perk tree in Fallout 4 you’d never know that Rank 3 of the Nuclear Physicist perk lets you eject Fusion Cores from your Power Armor as a sort of timed grenade. Nuclear Physicist itself requires Intelligence of 9 and it also requires you to be level 26 so before you can unlock it so step 1 in my adventure to cleanse the wasteland with nuclear leftovers was to get to level 26 without attacking anything. I won’t overhype it. I’ll be nice and call it a learning experience.

The real game begins with very minor tweaks to create the perfect man and the assigning of SPECIAL points. As I said, Intelligence needs to be at 9. Perception at 4 lets me take the Lockpicking perk, Endurance at 7 because I’m gonna be taking a lot of damage in the early game, Charisma o 3 for the Lone Wanderer perk and the rest are irrelevant. I named myself Shaun to amuse me, not you, there were fireworks, and as one door closed, another one opened. As for escaping the vault without attacking any of the roaches, it’s as easy as locking them behind the door and waiting for them to forget you existed.

Out into the rest of Fallout 4, I headed home to get to work. In the past I’ve harvested the remnants of mother nature’s beauty to create a world of fences. After abusing that power for more than a year I learned that some settlement items can be crafted in place over and over again without moving. But there’s an actual exploit that drawrves everything I’ve done before. All around Sanctuary are items -trees, baby fences, houses, cars- that can be scrapped for their base components. You take these components alongside a few perks and craft wire fences or wood fences, any item that costs next to nothing to craft, craft as many as you can and you can be at level 4 or 5 before you leave Sanctuary. The difficulty in past videos has been obtaining enough components to create objects on a large enough scale that make it worth doing. But that problem dies today with the infamous item duplication glitch. Full disclosure I loosely followed SuperbTube’s video on getting this Fallout 4 infinite experience exploit 2021 to work properly. It feels impossible to get at first, then you get a nail it once, forget what your mentor just told you to do and make a mistake. But that wasn’t my first mistake.

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43 Responses

  1. Mr. Simple says:

    Mitten really wished for suffering in this one lol

    • attano27 says:

      He actually sounds happy and did not complain at all

    • Mr. Simple says:

      @attano27 Yeah but that’s because I didn’t know he would exploit the challenge. Still good though

    • Gina Rose - Sᴇx Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ 18+ says:

      “I let them damage me outside to give them the ILLUSION of success” that’s literally my strategy when I’m told I can’t get in to a nightclub.

    • Melina Aileen says:

      Unrelated to anything, but I remembered how joining the Railroad was the most fun because it wasn’t the Minute Men and the BOS is just “kill stuff”, but the Railroad is also the most disappointing because half the time it’s literally just the institute quest line.

      I also had no idea about this perk even after playing like 100 hours.

  2. Gluehuffer 28 says:

    And in today’s lesson professor Paul teaches us how to make recycled warheads the environmentally friendly way for world domination

    • Sila Beby says:

      AISURU.TOKYO/natalie 💞
      (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧ 18歳以上のコンテンツ 🎦💌

      Youtube: これは大丈夫です
      誰か: 「ヘック」と言う
      Youtube: なくなって
      #しかし #わたし #私は愛する #そのような #漁師 #面白い #楽しい #若い女性 #面白い #垃圾

    • pardnr says:

      Reduce, reuse, dominate

    • fisherman says:

      @TKGaming7750 based

    • Arceus 101 says:

      I love how you phrased it in such a perfect way

    • meysi lona says:

      Life’s story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
      #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
      #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.

  3. Chris Bertolino says:

    This man earned a Purple Heart for war and he never left the computer.

    • Fat Boy Wonder says:

      Does he really have a purple heart?

    • sprocket says:

      @Fat Boy Wonder I don’t think he meant it literally

    • inconspicuous tendril says:

      @Fat Boy Wonder Don’t listen to that other guy, soldiers literally do have purple hearts. It’s a rare condition caused by extreme stress on the battlefield that causes the tissue itself to be unable to retain enough oxygen for its typical red coloration. Being “awarded” the Purple Heart is just having it officially diagnosed by a doctor.

    • Hannibal Solo says:

      @inconspicuous tendril
      That’s one I’ve never heard. 😂

  4. RusticGiraffe42 says:

    I recommend crafting flags for XP grinding. They have no collision so you can just spam build without moving until you’re out of cloth, then do the same with deconstruct.

  5. London Jolly says:

    “banished him to Statue World” is now my favorite Mitten Squad quote

  6. Blendi Skenderi says:

    fun fact: In the Prydwen there is a knight, roaming around that has infinite fusion cores.Every time you pickpocket his/her core he/she will place another one. You can repeat this as much as you want until you have the desired amount of cores. In about 1h you can get over 250 cores.

  7. The Spongy Mallard says:

    Unrelated to anything, but I remembered how joining the Railroad was the most fun because it wasn’t the Minute Men and the BOS is just “kill stuff”, but the Railroad is also the most disappointing because half the time it’s literally just the institute quest line.

    I also had no idea about this perk even after playing like 100 hours.

  8. Losti says:

    Tip for the next time: Get yourself the local leader rank level two, build vendors amd duplicate them for unlimited caps

    • Casey Hall says:

      That sounds like a wonderful way for me to not have to deal with the broken (not in a good way) economy of Fallout 4; so everything doesn’t cost any arm and a leg just to buy literally anything. Especially building/crafting supplies.

      To avoid the broken economy, I’ll just flip the uno reverse card, wonderful!

  9. Tyler Tate says:

    You literally don’t put out any bad content. They’re all bangers. The “turning the page of the script” bit was fucking gold. Hope you’re doing well, paul

  10. Dam says:

    Your dedication to your challenges does make me think you’d carry copper by hand across the map, yeah. 😂

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