Columbus discovers the New World #shorts

Columbus discovers the New World #shorts

Columbus discovers the New World #shorts

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60 Responses

  1. HamletSpamlet says:

    this guy has the voice for every character

  2. The Canine Caper says:

    Natives: hey we live here get out
    Columbus: sorry let me just -colonize-

    • Victoria Ross says:

      This comment is perfect in every way 😂

    • Kianite says:

      @funny stranger “I’m racist and know not a damn thing about indigenous.” Every country had allies and enemies. Natives respect women in their culture unlike white men. It’s know fact Christopher came over, saw how generous and kind the natives were and decided he could take advantage of them

    • Mikayla Stewart says:

      @Kianite dude, you got a lot to learn. Natives are still people and people are bad. All people. Yeah they were the victims and lost lots, but they weren’t a peaceful kind people. And it also varied on the tribe. Even today most MMIW are kidnapped or killed by natives

    • funny stranger says:

      @Kianite I was saying in general.. not just them alot of native were not kind tribes. The real racist is you literally talking color have stuff to do stuff… what I was saying at that time period native were not really friendly some was..

      Wasn’t even talking about race mean this XD like you did racist

    • funny stranger says:

      @Nilanjasa did I stay they were… Mr obvious.. people will never be gentle.. but now days is nothing compared to back then today. Back then everything was way worse

  3. Crazy Critter says:

    As a real time traveller I can confirm this is 100% accurate.

    • Jenniffer Wooltorton says:

      @Devasankar Madhab what did mochi say?-

    • Vegetableman says:

      @Jenniffer Wooltorton he explained the way things actually happened and people bullied him for it. Fucking assholes. I mean did they have to say no dad?!

    • gaaraxnaru says:

      @Ich habe die Werkzeuge So? Is that really your argument? They did it amongst themselves so it’s okay that we did it to them and made it 100x worse by indiscriminately killing, indoctrinating and pushing our propaganda centuries later? That’s really what you’re going for?

    • Complex Assault says:

      What did you change man?!

    • Phillip Handshoe says:

      @Marcus C. no one cares about your YouTube link

  4. Bill says:

    I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
    Chris was obviously a perfect gentleman about the entire situation

    • PubJubz says:

      @Musab Awad crusaders were from a different era. The word you’re looking for is conquistador. The genocide stuff is kind of right, it was more like him showing an opportunity for genocide and only being kinda irritated when the genocide actually started

    • Musab Awad says:

      @PubJubz Ya mb. But unfortunately its still true that when the Romans, and the crusaders took over a land, they’d try to force everyone into it.

    • Musab Awad says:

      @Gl 1100 Bruh. Its the celebration of genocides. U r quite literally celebrating mass murders.

    • Warawut Jiam says:

      I thought that, some tribes asked the European for help against the Anzac and promised them gold.

    • Gl 1100 says:

      @Musab Awad dont pretend there isnt just as bad or worse history in every nation it isnt a reason to stop celebraying the holidays and 100% will never be your business if people want to.

  5. Arolema Prarath says:

    Native: Glad they left, we can still own our gold.
    Columbus: Did you say gold?
    Native: Oops-
    Columbus: You need Jesus and Civilisation.

  6. z says:

    he’s so fucking talented

    • X-O Kimberly says:

      La vi cuando tenía 10 años 40 años años después la sigo cre o k sea el único..

      Gaze: “Amazing”
      Lips: “Sensual”
      Smile: “Sweeter”
      Body: “Cold”
      Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.​ .

    • Rick astley says:

      @kenma true

    • Electrogamerz36 says:

      Don’t swear dude

    • Lord O Gaming says:

      @Rick astley We’re no strangers to love
      You know the rules and so do I
      A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
      You wouldn’t get this from any other guy
      I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
      Gotta make you understand
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you
      Never gonna make you cry
      Never gonna say goodbye
      Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
      We’ve known each other for so long
      Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it
      Inside we both know what’s been going on
      We know the game and we’re gonna play it
      And if you ask me how I’m feeling
      Don’t tell me you’re too blind to see
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you
      Never gonna make you cry
      Never gonna say goodbye
      Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you
      Never gonna make you cry
      Never gonna say goodbye
      Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
      Never gonna give, never gonna give
      (Give you up)
      We’ve known each other for so long
      Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it
      Inside we both know what’s been going on
      We know the game and we’re gonna play it
      I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
      Gotta make you understand
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you
      Never gonna make you cry
      Never gonna say goodbye
      Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you
      Never gonna make you cry
      Never gonna say goodbye
      Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
      Never gonna give you up
      Never gonna let you down
      Never gonna run around and desert you
      Never gonna make you cry
      Never gonna say goodbye

    • Damien McDaniel Jr says:


  7. Hubbi NM says:

    “What lovely people”
    Looks straight into my soul.


    • Aisha Sabri says:


    • Scunt says:

      Wait till the british invade >:)

    • Timon Juki says:

      —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 💜♀️🔞 💜 PRIVATE S*X

      #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .

      !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾

    • …~Jelly𝓑𝓾𝓫𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓼~… says:

      @Timon Juki bot

    • Sorunus says:

      @Timon Juki I subbed

  8. Blue Sky says:

    We need a part two where Christopher calmly and collectively explains that he changed his mind and will now proceed to commit genocide

    • Paula Valeria Rocha Gonzalez says:

      @Leal R who told you that? Indigenous people were most definitely not equal to Spanish people, there was a mix between the two people, but not because they were equal. Indigenous people had their land stolen, their beliefs replaced, and forced into another culture, language and used as slaves.
      Was it different than what happened in North America? Yes, specially because eventually there was the independence and, unlike Canada and the USA, the land was taken back from the colonizers (or something like it), but until nowadays indigenous people and their culture haven’t recovered from the colonization and their numbers keep dwindling. So no they weren’t treated as “equals”.

    • Leal R says:

      @Paula Valeria Rocha Gonzalez Just like people in Spain (with this I mean that those things happened already in any part of Europe in the time of a conquest, and that is certainly not a genocide). There was a law to forbid them as slaves because they were considered peasants like the people in Spain (they brought them from Africa instead).

    • Paula Valeria Rocha Gonzalez says:

      @Leal R Dude, please hear me out carefully: indigenous people weren’t treated anywhere similar like people in Spain, to begin with any spanish people that came to America were more often than not poor or wanted people, criminals and that sort of people, not reputable gentlemen who came for freedom. The ones that had rights were los mestizos o criollos, who were the mix of indigenous and spanish people, qnd even then they were more like second class Citizens. Slaves were bright from Africa, but indigenous people were also taken into slavery and forced out of their lands. Wanna know I know this? I’m colombian, I’ve been learning my history and how spanish people treated us since I was 7.

    • Leal R says:

      @Paula Valeria Rocha Gonzalez Pues claro, es que en Colombia y en los países latinoamericanos lo único que enseñan es la leyenda negra española. Dejan de lado la historiografía real de la época para contar cuentos y leyendas. Vamos, decir que hubo un genocidio es criminal, y comparar las colonizaciones inglesas con la española lo es también. Legalmente los indígenas tenían exactamente los mismos derechos que los españoles. Es decir, muy pocos. Estaba prohibido tomar como esclavos a los indígenas (esto no significa que no se hiciera, pero no era algo legal). Hubo una mezcla cultural enorme, y una mezcla de sangre enorme igualmente, esto es innegable. Sino mira la población de países donde SÍ se hicieron genocidios planificados como en Estados Unidos.
      Sobre lo del oro y demás que os contarán en las escuelas los únicos beneficiados fueron las clases privilegiadas españolas, porque el pueblo español durante el “siglo de oro” sufrió un hambre y pauperización enormes debido a la inflación, mientras que sus remuneraciones no aumentaban.
      Sobre los criollos, estos eran los ricos, nobles, aristócratas… Eran los que ostentaban el poder, y los conocéis como criollos sí. Pero no es porque fueran españoles, sino porque tenían una posición social más alta de poder.

    • Paula Valeria Rocha Gonzalez says:

      @Leal R no estoy negando que la situación de los criollos, mestizos o mulatos fuera mejor que la de los nativos americanos en Norteamérica, pero decir que tenían los mismos derechos sería mentira, en teoría deberían tener los mismos derechos, pero la situación en la practica no era tan idílica, el problema mayor fue que aunque no hubo un genocidio si hubo una destrucción total de la cultura, muchas pérdidas totalmente o distorsionadas. Los criollos no eran clase alta, si tenían más posibilidades que los indígenas y mejor trato (después de todo la independencia fue orquestada por mestizos ilustrados influenciados por las ideas de la revolución francesa, esto implica ciertas oportunidades y educación que un nativo americano o un esclavo no podría tener) pero esto no era ley, sino más bien una excepción, especialmente porque dependiendo de que tipo de “mezcla” eras, peor o mejor era tu trato, si tus padres eran un español y un afroamericano, o un esclavo y un indígena, etc, el como te presentaba en sociedad mejoraba o empeoraba.
      La situación no fue la misma que en EEUU donde se busco una exterminación total de los nativos americanos, sino más bien se quería una asimilación de estas personas a su cultura, pero no se puede decir que estuvieran en igualdad de condiciones, no lo digo porque “los españoles eran monstruos y la historia nos demuestra que vinieron para destruir la tierra 👹” o algo así, porque eso son las cosas que un niño creería, pero indudablemente si hubieron ciertas injusticias en su tiempo, que en EEUU fueron amplificadas totalmente por el hecho de que los nativos americanos no recuperaron la tierra, sino que los colonizadores se la quedaron.

  9. HashiraMallows says:

    Why is literally everyone in Adrian’s imaginary world so polite? Like someone get me a costume I wanna live there 💀

    • Panda lily says:

      I don’t even mind if i were to be a sperm lost in a sock … just wanna be there

    • Nilanjasa says:

      Yes. I want to be there too😇

    • Alexzander Kimbrell says:


    • D0peman says:

      What lovely people

      Meanwhile Columbus

      We’ll need reinforcements
      We have a land to conquer

    • *☆MOMOKIMI☆(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)* says:

      Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la

      Megan: “Hotter”
      Hopi: “Sweeter”
      Joonie: “Cooler”
      Yoongi: “Butter”

      Son unos de los mejores conciertos, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente.
      Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.​..

  10. Katherine says:

    Everyone’s talking about his costumes but no one ever compliments him for the efforts of finding the perfect location in the world every single time 😄

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