Elden Ring – 6 Of The Best Armor Sets You Don’t Want To Miss Early (Elden Ring Tips & Tricks)

Elden Ring – 6 Of The Best Armor Sets You Don’t Want To Miss Early (Elden Ring Tips & Tricks)

Elden Ring – 6 Of The Best Armor Sets You Don’t Want To Miss Early (Elden Ring Tips & Tricks)

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36 Responses

  1. KhrazeGaming says:

    Doing 2 new giveaways for a free Elden Ring copy
    Link to first one (choose your reward) https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/giveaway/KHRAZE
    Second Elden Ring any platform giveaway: https://gleam.io/1WiYU/elden-ring-is-goty

    • Ibrahim marzouk says:

      Which three bosses for fia dagger

    • Gengyo says:

      There are like 9 or 10 of those cleanrot guys actually. I can send you an image of their locations on the map. I was farming that set and marked them. they lay under the water.

  2. Artemis says:

    To get where the black raptor outfit is you don’t need to kill a boss infact I’d say don’t take the mine at all just use the grand lift and from there make your way over to the cave zero fighting required you can just roll past the skeletons

  3. Frostyknight627 says:

    0:30- Cleanrot Armor
    2:29- Twinned Armor
    4:13- Carian Knight Armor
    5:40- Raptor’s Black Feather Armor
    8:09- Black Wolf Mask
    9:10- Royal Remains Armor

  4. SuperAthlete says:

    Friendly reminder: 9:26 u don’t need to defeat godrick to access that part of the map u can completely bypass the castle theirs a hidden path on the right side where the broken bridge with the weird lady is at, follow it and you’ll be in the second area of the map many videos keep saying u need to beat the boss to get that skull armor but I’m here to tell u that’s not the case 🙂

    • ᴠ ɪ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ɴ ᴛ says:

      @bolson42 my first souls like as well and I gotta say I’m really addicted to the game, glad to see tons of a new players like myself are enjoying this game despite the difficulty lol

    • bolson42 says:

      @TMaier16 Oh yeah, like the other person said if you enjoy that, you’ll definitely like the other soulsborne and sekiro. It’s a bit more effective in elden ring because of the open world and exploration but that amount of depth to the lore/characters is present in all of these games

    • Aiden Lopez says:

      I found that path last night i was all happy😂

    • Cody King says:

      @TMaier16 good to hear, I just knew when you were talking about how much depth there is to the characters and story. They’re all like that

    • TMaier16 says:

      @Cody King yup lol, loving it so far

  5. mosi says:

    That skeleton looking armor I had it. It gives you an interesting perk. Slowly healing over time, which you can stack with the Blessed Dew Talisman to regenerate your health outside of the combat way faster. I had like 50 less Hp after like 5 sec it filled me up. It’s crazy👌. I’m sure the other ones have their own secret perks too. You can check them by equipment menu with square button on playsttation controller on that item or gear to see it’s Description with on the selecting screen not over equipment menu screen otherwise you remove the item instead.

  6. Prince I says:

    Intro: “You can get these early in the game”
    In the video: “I got this after beating the 3 main bosses”

    • Λευτερης ΣΑΒΟΥΙΔΑΚΗΣ says:

      You can get twinned armor as long as you have reached alteus plateu no need to beat the boss

    • AjB Gaming says:

      Yeah, its clickbait shit

    • GWL - says:

      @Greg Greg it’s more like 1/3 which by definition is early game. 2/3 being mid game and anything past that being late game game.

    • Jason Van Stone says:

      Lmao, exactly what I said…”This is considered “early game”???? I must still be in the womb of the game after 20 hours.”

    • Kleshayjay says:

      There are plenty of more main bosses in the game 3 is Barely the surface btw you can do most of this after beating the first main boss which is Godrick

  7. JBlunt Gold says:

    “It’s Fashion baby!” 😆 funny … So happy to see all these good Elden Ring videos. Just started a few hours ago in Elden ring and man I’m impressed glad to see everyone is happy playing this.

    • Intergalactic Browny says:

      @Andy Paris definitely, memorizing the movement the almost required in elden ring with how fast some of these bosses come at you, and with how many there are it’s amazing how they make each one unique, even if some of the moves are familiar from the other games, they have a pretty high bar to reach if they plan on making another soulsborn cause compared to some of the other games that have dropped in the last 2 years this is a work of art. I still hardly what I’m supposed to be doing but it’s been the most enjoyable and beautiful thing to experience.

    • Mysterix- says:

      @Jim26D probably because the game is to hard for those noobs.

    • Andy Paris says:

      @Intergalactic Browny Yeah agreed; but the thing for me is the bosses were easier in DS3. It probably took me 3 to 4 tries to figure out the patterns, whereas in Elden Ring, it’s taking me at least 10 tries before I get used to them! Their patterns seem to be way more aggressive in Elden Ring, and that’s brilliant, because it certainly doesn’t feel “samey” from their previous titles. Elden Ring has truly perfected their formula.

    • Intergalactic Browny says:

      @Andy Paris one of the things that makes the soulsborn games so great is the level design, and since elden ring is a massive open world map you don’t get that same feeling of pretty much knowing where to go that you do in the other games, but this has hands down the most beautiful scenery in all of the games that totally makes up for having to really explore to find where your going

    • proph3t says:

      Amen…soooooo glad this game not only met but beat the hype-for once lol!

  8. Jeffrey Piascik says:

    The invasion by Millicent in the first armor farming area is very problematic. Making farming unmanageable.

  9. Rozzer 28 says:

    Quick tip for people farming armour/items/weapons. When you kill an enemy if they are going to drop an item white particles will pop out of them after killing them. Saves some time standing there and waiting for them to be lootable or not.

  10. TimeBucks says:

    Thanks for this guide!

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