Everybody always Down when you Planning a Trip

Everybody always Down when you Planning a Trip

Just say no at the beginning and save everybody time man Fr 😂😂

~RDC Social Media ~

Mark Phillips – @SupremeDreams_1
Affiong Harris – @Affiong
Desmond Johnson – @l0v3andPeac3
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Benjamin Skinner – @Ive_Ben_Jammin
Johnathan Newton – @PlayThatJohn







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34 Responses

  1. Amiri says:

    There’s something about LeLand screaming “LET’S GO SEE THE WORLD BRO” that instantly made me start laughing!!

  2. Team APS says:

    1000% accurate every time we try to go literally anywhere out of state lol

  3. Jay C says:

    This is why you can’t be afraid to travel alone when doing adult trips. Don’t let others lack of planning stop you from enjoying a trip. 😂

    • Cryptati0n says:

      @Lee Steal traveling alone is not that dangerous, unless you have no idea what you’re doing in a foreign country/ new city. If you have common sense, plan your trip, and stick to touristy areas you’ll be fine, visiting new cities in the US solo was a lot of fun.

    • Sawyer says:

      @Gabe Talking to “new people” is how you get robbed lol. The US just isnt a very safe place to be alone.

    • Anthony says:

      @MrC00kieM0nst3r It was! I drove from the Coast of ME to Pittsburg PA and Lexington KY. Quite the experience being in the flatlands for the first time.

    • Jay C says:

      @ everyone response. I mean it’s dangerous with or without ppl. I turn 30 this year and I’m planning a first time trip to Vegas or Hawaii with or without my ppl. Also working on my passport soon. Most trips at some point or another you are by yourself so what’s the difference. I think the most important thing is stay vigilant and don’t over drink or accept drinks from strangers. And do some research on areas. Other than that have fun.

    • King King says:

      @Cheerioss – I’d actually prefer it😂

  4. RapisGames says:

    It’s crazy how much time and effort you put into these videos. Huge respect. Keep up the work

  5. RapisGames says:

    Man this is 1000% accurate. Even a trip to the beach to go fishing everyone down but when its time they always have excuses.

  6. RapisGames says:

    1000% accurate every time we try to go literally anywhere out of state lol

  7. StrawHat Zora says:

    The way they just spawned whenever the price went down had me crying of laughter 😂

  8. RapisGames says:

    This was us trying to book our spring break trip to Florida with a bunch of college kids 😵‍💫 everybody wanna go on trips but don’t wanna cough up the cash when it’s time

  9. sgm mgs says:

    Man this is 1000% accurate. Even a trip to the beach to go fishing everyone down but when its time they always have excuses.

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