Getting Recognized Won’t Stop…

Getting Recognized Won’t Stop…

IT’S A STORYTIME! POG?! I’m literally uploading this video in college. Hope you all enjoy this one ahah

Follow my Twitter – @tommyinnit
Follow my Instagram – @tommyinnitt

Edited by @archie (MY MANS)

Thanks to my mate Louie for doing the thumbnail with me. We were at college and Tubbo said we had to do it this way so we did

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48 Responses

  1. Bribe says:

    Actually can’t lie, being recognised must be somewhat terrifying like anything could happen

  2. Patterrz says:

    doing driving lessons is bad enough without the stress of stalling in front of a group of your fans

  3. TheOdd1sOut says:

    Whenever people ask me, “are you theodd1sout?” I always respond with, “who?” I can’t control it anymore, it’s an instinctual noise that I just make.

  4. anthony galindo says:

    *at the train station*
    Tommy: “RANBOO HELP ME”
    Ranboo: “long live the king”
    *Ranboo pushes tommy in a sea of 13 year olds*

  5. Rocky Wellsborn says:

    Tommy: *casually plays with Vikkstar’s nail clippers

  6. Polynesian_Spa_Man says:

    Tommy: *talking about how he always talks about MCC
    Tommy one second later: “OH BUT THEN I GOT THIS AWESOME CLUTCH And it was like…

  7. Pyrogeist says:

    Ramboo hiding behind a pole while tommy gets swarmed is so perfect.

  8. Poof a says:

    “what’s a good… Gertrude”

    Anyone wondering, that’s a Ssundee reference.

  9. lily-was-taken says:

    The fact that Theodd1sout is just sitting there staring at his newspaper that tommy smacked adds another layer of funny to it all

  10. Daryn250 says:

    the fact that TheOdd1sOut Animated himself slightly taller than tommy is killing me

    • ahem Ahem says:

      thats what happens when you never meet someone in real life to tell the difference of your height

    • Baby Cakelings says:

      @ahem Ahem James is most likely slightly taller than tommy, James is somewhere between 6’2 and 6’4 and Tommy claims he is 6’3 but many people have said that’s a lie.

    • Layal Saleh says:

      @Baby Cakelings i think the people who met him irl have said he’s like 6’1

    • Baby Cakelings says:

      @Layal Saleh Is this James or Tommy? Because I’ve just been doing some research and it seems like James height is pretty unknown. Some things say he’s 6’4, others say he’s only 5’10

    • I AM SO HOT !!! says:


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