He Owns The Moon

He Owns The Moon


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47 Responses

  1. stealthboost says:

    This is the most entertaining short I’ve ever seen lol

  2. penguinex penguinex says:

    Chris is such a smart guy, he got moon for free (It’s not so easy) he has a good life and genius life not because he owns moon but that he got it for free

  3. hecker says:

    Owning the moon must be equivalent to owning NFTs.

  4. Jadiac says:

    Good thing is that the UN will actually reject it if he ever goes to court with it
    But he can tell a hell of a story to his grandchildren

  5. Hey says:

    There is something that I learned from Nas, It’s that something special allways happen in the world

  6. Zik says:

    This takes “it’s free real estate” to a whole entire new level.

  7. Extra Virgin says:

    Imagine being about to land on moon, but then seeing *”PRIVATE PROPERTY”* sign

  8. Erik Adalbert van Nagel says:

    Him: hey baby we have a date tonight!
    She: **Ignores and walk away**
    Him: This was a yes!

  9. Nas Daily says:

    Come learn how to make videos like us at http://nasacademy.com — classes closing in one week!

  10. Dark says:

    Imagine being on the verge of landing on the moon when you come across a *”PRIVATE PROPERTY”* sign.

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