How Ants and Bees Broke the Game

How Ants and Bees Broke the Game

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Godskin Duo – Elden Ring
Hornet Theme – Hollow Knight
Battlefield – Super Smash Brothers Brawl
The Trade Parade – Old School Runescape

Source Footage from:
Ant Lab –
Getty Images

More info on arrhenotoky and the Kin Selection hypothesis:

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43 Responses

  1. Amphicyon says:

    That was a really nice explanation of how eusociality breaks down normal natural selection processes. Just by changing how genetic information is passed on, the math of the objective itself switches.
    Hymenopterans be like: Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions

  2. Curious Archive says:

    Never realized just how much ant and bee eusociality breaks the game. And to think the devs have been letting them get away with these broken builds for 100 million+ years…

  3. Dr. Decapod says:

    Everyone always forgets the termites, they invented eusociality, agriculture, climate control, standing militaries, and more but the upstart ants always get the credit.

    • My name Jef says:

      @Jie Kimbuous unfortunate

    • Ricardo Arguel says:

      The reason why is ants are way more better than termites , most termites are focused at using there points on structures which makes other skills useless cuss of lack of points , even if they put points on them its more likely to be head armor than body armor , unlike ants that mostly balance armor and attack

    • sawyer logon says:

      Yeah and the fact there colony can have way more mebers ( there queen lays 40,000 eggs a day )

  4. Dimetrodon 22 says:

    TierZoo: “Hymenoptera is so cool with their unique eusociality”
    Termites: “am I a joke to you?”

  5. Derpy Woodoo says:

    5:08 One minor correction:
    Sister bees attain 100% of their father’s DNA since the father only has 1 set of chromosomes. That means all sisters share at least 50% of their DNA just from the father. The remaining 50% is provided by the mother, who contributes 50% of her DNA. This in total makes sisters 75% related, like you were saying.

    • Piguyalamode says:

      @Filipe Abreu No, it is 100% from the parents, 50 from the father and 50 from the mother. It is just that the 50% from the father is always **the same**, and on average half the 50% from the mother is the same, so that adds up to 75%

    • Limey Lassen says:

      @Filipe Abreu No, it’s the opposite. 75% is random and 25% is locked in.

    • S C says:

      @Filipe Abreu
      No, every life is 100% a copy of their parents’ DNA barring mutation, the 75% similarity in hymenoptera is with their siblings.

    • litapd311 says:

      thank you, i was confused as well by what tierzoo was saying but this comment made it clear

    • 🌟 Wander the Nomad says:

      Thanks for clearing that up. I had to pause that section of the video and I still didn’t get it.

  6. Elliott Klassen says:

    I’ve moderated gameplay with a large amount of bee players before, where we actually would at times introduce new queen bees to a hive. Most of the time the hive would accept her, but sometimes they would reject the new queen and kill her. Your explanation was quite good, but if the only motive for the sister bees to work with the queen bee is their shared code, why would they ever accept a queen bee with whom they share no code? Great video as always.

    • NevTheDeranged says:

      I have also been a honeybee server admin, and had hives repeatedly reject queens as well. It’s so frustrating, especially given the hassle of obtaining and introducing new queens. Then one season we ended up with a hive sporting a max-aggro build, and had to shut down the server before they became a threat to neighboring human players.

    • Marcelo Pinheiro says:

      I think TierZoo explanation referred to the strategy as a whole not to individual motivations.

    • Buffalo Soldier says:

      I would also add that the average bee is probrably considerably more likely to meet a related queen than an unrelated one. So it is enough for the average bee to know to ‘protect THE queen’ in order to further their own genes.

    • Elliott Klassen says:

      @Rosie Johnson Yes, we used these cages regularly to introduce new queens. It’s just fascinating that it still works even though the queen shares no genetic code with them.

    • Rosie Johnson says:

      I heard that one way of introducing a new, unrelated queen is in a special box with something sugary plugging the only opening big enough for a bee to get through (obv there are also air holes). At first they think she’s an intruder, but the only way to reach her is to eat their way through the sugary stuff and that takes them long enough they’ll get used to her smell in that time. Even knowing it’s a pheromone thing, I still like to picture it as:
      New queen: I’ll let you eat cake.
      Bees: Yes, Your Majesty!

  7. Just Some Guy without a Mustache says:

    I like how bees are useful to the environment. While
    wasps exist just to torment people.

  8. BMac says:

    I get why you’d separate Parasitoid Wasps. They’re wasps that lay their eggs inside other creatures to feast on them and kill them over time. It’s the stuff of nightmares and it does very little to alleviate my own personal spheksophobia.

  9. KING says:

    I must say, as an occasional termite player, that I am a bit disappointed that you didn’t even mention this other lineage of eusocial insects, but still great video!

  10. Nautilus Guitars says:

    I was recently grinding for xp by collecting rare fungi and came across a newly active wasp base. Players started logging in like crazy to join the offensive. Had to toggle auto-sprint until I could fast travel out of the area. They are a mighty opponent in numbers.

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