I Put LeBron and Steph in The Same Draft Class

I Put LeBron and Steph in The Same Draft Class

Instead of putting every NBA star into their prime except one person, today were taking two players from that series and putting them in the same draft class – the two being LeBron James and Stephen Curry. LeBron just defeated steph in game 6 possibly ending the warriors dynasty, but when it comes to 2K, whos better? LeBron or Curry?

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19 Responses

  1. Med says:

    Credit to Foozion and Narrow for the inspiration for this video🐐’s

  2. VisionedCargo88 says:

    I like how he broke the scoring record the same way LeBron did against the team LeBron did it against

  3. Ayda says:

    The fact Bron won 3 MVP’s in a row then went back and won another 5 in a row is just pure dominance wtf. Solid video as always!

  4. Seyfert says:

    If this series continue. I think every fan would love to see Jordan and Kobe in the same draft class.

  5. Yousef Badr says:

    Always a good day when med drops another banger

  6. Rhombulus says:

    Amazing video as always! I look forward to future content. Hoping to see another superstar drafted at 10 years old like Curry or KD. Though I understand those take forever. Keep up the great work!

  7. Aaron McSwain says:

    This is 🔥 thanks med for the entertainment 😁

  8. `Kurumi says:

    I happen to see your content today and i love it! Keep up the good work!

  9. Swish👌 says:

    Love your vids Med keep up the great work!!!! 🎉

  10. Bryson O'Neal says:

    love these videos man. keep doing your thing

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