I Survived On $0.01 For 30 Days – Day 11

I Survived On $0.01 For 30 Days – Day 11

Day 11. 1 penny. 1 MILLION MEALS BABY!
donate here – https://www.feedingamerica.org/penny

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23 Responses

  1. yikes says:

    Honestly nothing’s more entertaining than watching Ryan try to sell a $3 bag of chips at an airport

  2. Random Rantee says:

    I would grind out food delivery all night and morning till I had enough to extend the rental 😂

  3. Default says:

    Let’s admit it, we all are looking forward to this series everyday because its so entertaining! 😂

  4. PJ Lamp says:

    This series is honestly so entertaining and beautiful. The fundraiser is so amazing and there’s so many kind people on the way. Cant wait to see what’s next, keep it up!

  5. Lurthy says:

    i have never looked forward to videos like this before , been a fan for a very long time trahan , absolutely love what youre doing here , keep it up and we love you <3

  6. Horror Skunx says:

    Paul… what a generous guy! You could tell how proud he was to donate

    • Self1sh says:

      @Kloanne he’s not an actor he’s a scientist

    • Kloanne says:

      @NohISspeed i looked him up his network is around 20 million

    • NohISspeed says:

      @User I don’t think he’s an actor, he looks nothing like the Paul Dodds that comes up for acting. Even if so, the average actor doesn’t get paid multi millions, and I feel that you have to be at least atthat position in order to blow $150,000 freely.

    • Mighty_Mig19 says:

      @Emlyn Jones he already did it lol, Ryan is in the future by 4 days

    • Emlyn Jones says:

      I hope he has the money to do it comfortably and isn’t doing it off impulse

  7. Jason Harmson says:

    Everyday when I watch these I can’t help but notice how much he’s gone up in subscribers. I think that is awesome, not only does Ryan deserve it, but people are helping with every subscription

  8. Tanner Scarr says:

    Yo Ryan! Just wanted to say.. you’ve earned a new viewer through this series. What an awesome idea and refreshing content to follow, I’m sure a lot of newbies here feel the same! Keep doing you <3

  9. Kayla G says:

    I love this series so far😍 Watching these videos everyday is becoming so exciting… I cant wait to see how much money will have been raised by the end of this all.

  10. TPECK VLOGS says:

    If I saw this guy on the street he could have all the money in my pocket 😆

    • whatsappme①⑤⑥②③⑤②⑤②⑤⑥ says:

      Kindly send a direct msg, to join our private coaching and membership on investment ⤴️⤴️………….

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