Law & Order: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Law & Order: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses the wildly popular television franchise, what it’s been teaching us about law enforcement, and some tricks for how to get to sleep in two minutes flat.

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44 Responses

  1. Old Gus says:

    Whoever wrote “bananaphylactic shock” has just hit their comedic peak.

    I’m sorry, in a career defined by comedic reporting of the news, you’re not gonna get a better off-the-wall pun in without it feeling completely forced.

  2. Holly Neyer says:

    My partner is a defense attorney. He fights for “the people” and does a lot more to ensure community safety and equality in a fucked-up system than any prosecutor ever. Team defense!

    • Tin Watchman says:

      So how many of his clients did he suspect were actually guilty? Does he keep count?

      I simply ask out of curiosity. Because here’s the funny thing – even if your partner suspected otherwise, he’d still have to go through with it because that’s his job. In fact, he’d likely be debarred or something if he didn’t. It’s just a very strange system we have, isn’t it? Where honesty is actively discouraged on both sides of the equation, prosecution and defense both.

    • Gatch says:

      Than any prosecutor ever? I call bs. Millions of prosecutors in history, your partner is better than all of them? Anyone close to an attorney would know your argument is BS and easily dismissed.

    • clumsiii says:

      @Anthony Munoz Law is law. Defense applies the law in order to serve their client. Crime and violence is horrible. If you want to disparage defense council —> you’re basically shitting on the entire system of law
      Innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your peers. I”m not justifying that particular defense attorney’s strategy, but we have to zoom out and remember the reason why

    • Anthony Munoz says:

      I’ve seen a defense attorney make a rape victim cry in court in an attempt to discredit the victim. Glad your partner fights for the people, but there’s always some shit ones

    • K M says:

      Really depends on where you practice and varies dramatically from attorney to attorney. It’s not such an easily delineated dichotomy. Many defense attorneys can do harm by not agreeing to get their clients the help they need to get better or protect a victim for example, or actually confuse zealous advocacy for an unethical win at all costs approach to litigation. There can be bad attorneys on both sides, and some prosecutors perform their job with the goal of protecting victims and the greater community from bad actors. Your comment is pretty narrow minded.

  3. PacksofGaming says:

    As a SA survivor, I can fully attest how cathartic Law & Order SVU has been to watch. To see the fantasy of people like me getting justice from people who genuinely cared. But even as I watched it as a scared 15 year old, I knew it was all a fantasy. That cops and the system of getting said justice is a difficult climb that I’ll never get on because I know the odds are against me. As much as I love SVU, I want an Innocence Project type show, where victims, both convicted in jail and silenced to never have a case, can get real justice. And people should know that the police really is against you as an SA survivor.

    • Tin Watchman says:

      Well… maybe they were trying to dream the kind of people who wouldn’t have let you down into existence. Funny how cops can watch SVU to learn how to do their jobs and yet somehow miss the part where they’re actually supposed to care about the victims.

    • francesca francesca says:

      I am so sorry you went through a sistema that doesn’t work. I am glad that you are here. Thank you for sharing your take on this, it is you voice and others like yours that need to be heard. We have to be smart about the power that media has, but not only that. Systems need to work, full stop.
      Something can be done, something must be done.
      I hope you’re okay, and had a good day!

    • D W says:

      I’m sorry for what you went through.

    • Jane Doe says:

      Sadly SANE’s, in reality, seem to exist to pacify victims of sexual assault. Going through one of these exams is humiliating but when you learn that most of the kits sit in some evidence locker among the nations backlogs it becomes degrading and demoralizing to say the least.

    • Julia says:

      What I find a bit scary is that apparently L&O is still attractive to somebody who knows that it’s all lies.
      Even worse: it’s a lie that feeds on itself – there are cops who get their ideas of how to do their job exactly from that show, so except that apparently they leave out the “actually listen to the victims/survivors” bits and focus on the fun manly bits like shooting, beating and maybe ‘pushing’ somebody to making a confession.

  4. Courtney Luk says:

    NYPD SVU did literally NOTHING to help my case in 2019-2020. I was locked in my co-workers room and physically fought him to avoid being raped. He threw me into a TV and kicked me in the ribs about six times. He ripped off my clothes. And the NYPD hauled my ass to the station in front of my students. I gave another statement, about five or so in total. And the buck stopped at the SVU. The detective did jack shit to go after this man, question other teachers and staff, go to the dude’s apartment, or anything. He just threw out my case and closed it within days. NYPD sucks! If you are not at least middle class and white, they will not help you, if not hurt you.

    • Sandy Agbakoba says:

      I am so sorry.

    • Sosayweall jpg says:

      @Jeremy Ryan 100% and we love to see someone who is self-aware of their privilege. it might make people who don’t have it cringe and be bitter but the truth is until you can break through the patina of privilege ignorance people tend to have.. those who have it probably could not and more likely WOULD not do anything to change it.

    • Jeremy Ryan says:

      Sorry you had to go thru that. I learned what privilege was when I was 17 facing drug charges and the judge took my mom’s word that I was innocent at face value, even tho I was guilty. I had a strong feeling, that if my mom and I were non white, they wouldn’t even have asked her opinion or cared to hear what she had to say at all. Privilege is real in the “justice” system, whether you want to see it or not.

  5. PigmyWurm says:

    I remember having a really clear “oh, wait a second” moment when watching an episode as a kid where they are investigating this one guy and then stumble upon this pile of dambing evidence on this other person and all the characters are upset about it. Shouldn’t the evidence be the thing leading the investigation?

    (Of course the evidence didn’t actually matter and the cops were correct in spitefully following their guts)

    • JunimoDruid says:

      OP pretty much summed up why i preferred early CSI over any season of Law&Order

    • Lilac Skies says:

      Was it that one episode where a woman was poisoned and died from contact of some mysterious contact on a coffee cup and they blamed a homeless man who happened to be close by, and it turned out it was her boyfriend/husband?

  6. Billy Kann says:

    “The NYPD is famously anti-shooting, unless they are the ones doing it…” Had to be one of the top 10 savage lines of this series.

  7. Kristin says:

    As a long time SVU fan, I’ve been struggling with this in recent years. On one hand, it’s incredibly problematic in its pro-police stance but, on the other hand, it’s so nice to get to experience the fantasy that is people generally believing victims of rape.

    • MissTrillium says:

      I made a critical mistake as a teen when I urged my friend to talk with the local SVU team after being r@ped. I thought they would do good, but instead my friend was left even more traumatized than before talking with them, told by the police that they lied, and an officer even stalked them.

      I love the idea of a system that actually believes survivors, but the harm that shows like this cause is immense. Yes, this is a burden I carry, both as someone who urged another survivor to report, but also as a survivor myself.

    • Orwellian Horseman of the Apocalypse says:

      And doing something about it most weeks. But I’ve always watched the Law and Order series and other cop shows like NYPD Blue (but I had to stop with the Chicago show – it was too much) knowing they, like any action movie, are entertaining escapism. That Ice-T and Richard Belzer are/were on SVU only made that particular show that much more entertaining for me. Ice-T who performed the song “Cop Killer” with his band Body Count – the absurdity is most entertaining.

  8. Morgana Harp says:

    Back in 2011 I was raped. Initially I didn’t want to press charges, I just wanted to go to the hospital. I was turned away at 2 emergency rooms because they weren’t equipped to do a rape kit. Despite me telling them I didn’t want one, I just wanted the bleeding to stop. So I eventually felt pressured into calling the cops just to get any support. 2 male officers came in to interview me, mocked me, refused to take evidence, and told me that I wouldn’t be able to afford a lawyer because the person who raped me was probably richer than I was. (That’s not how that works) I did end up getting a rape kit which has either been tossed or is in the backlog, I don’t have it in me to ask. My treatment at the hands of the cops and hospitals was honestly more traumatizing than the assault itself.

    • Liam Winchester Chasten says:

      That’s why I stopped speaking up

    • Cam says:

      I’m so sorry this was your experience. I can’t imagine a worse time in life for anyone. Just know that this terrible trauma has not defeated you because you did seek help and you are able to talk about it even in forums like this. Many are unable to discuss their assaults or any subsequent mistreatment because of their shame or fear of rebuttal etc… You are among the strongest of us Morgana Harp. Never let these demons win. Keep telling your story so that others might feel strong enough to tell theirs. Dont be afraid to acknowledge the damage caused by this. Seek help if you feel your grasp on life slipping. Please seek wellness and strength. Cheers! 💗💕💗

    • Stacey Tisler says:

      That’s really sad, I’m so sorry!

    • No one star says:

      Humans truly excel at harming one another. That’s pretty much the limit of their abilities if you consider an “eagle’s eye” perspective.

      Sure, entertainment and news often prefer to portray the “good” sides of human interaction, but that’s just the fringe. 90% is geared toward abuse, trolling, lack of empathy, an absence of ethics, and the complete abandonment of justice.

      Simply consider Chump ’45 and his past 30+ years of activities, and it will tell you everything you need to know. 🙄 Ultimately, the only “justice” is KILLING KILLERS. Or dismembering r@p1$t$. And decapitating those who commit grand larceny.

    • Randall Savage says:

      Fucking doubt

  9. TheSkepticSkwerl says:

    Imagine a surgeon saying “I went to medical school, but most of what I do, I learned from grey’s anatomy”

  10. Arthur Alford says:

    Fun fact: the badge Jack Webb used on Dragnet was an actual LAPD badge, that was brought to and from the set by an officer. The badge had belonged to a consultant to the series. Jack Webb is the only civilian to have been given a police funeral with honors by the LAPD

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