my thoughts on school

my thoughts on school

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Here are some random thoughts on school. I had a good schooling I think, and I think education is really really important. But also I think there were things that if I missed out on them I wouldn’t really be hurting too much. Like dissecting a frog. I didn’t need that at all. Anyways I hope you enjoy.

DavidToons –
BigChapula –
AbnormalChaos –
and me 🙂

Thank you for watching.

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43 Responses

  1. Heisenberg says:

    Ice Cream is the definition of quality over quantity, the artstyle is on point, props for 6 years of dedication

  2. shiny skitty says:

    As someone who has been to multiple different types of schools, I think what you’re looking for is Montessori style schools. Basically they set you in a classroom and say “go learn stuff, you’ll have a math lesson at 2:30 so show up for that and make sure you have all your work turned in by Friday. Have fun” Not only did that style of teaching teach me school stuff, but it also taught me time management and gave me the opportunity to do crafts in my free time. One of the best school experiences I’ve ever had.

    • shiny skitty says:

      @Wierdthingmabob this, good teachers make all the difference, they deserve to be payed so much more than they are

    • shiny skitty says:

      @Suzanne O Fair enough, no one type of schooling can work for everyone, but as long as phones aren’t allowed and there are still deadlines (Ex. For me it was weekly deadlines but it could also be monthly or even as basic as per semester) it can produce a very positive result for a lot of people 🙂

    • theinkysquids says:

      @shiny skitty Yeah definitely, and I’m glad Montessori schools worked for other people! School in general has never really been very suited for me, although right now I’m loving the private college I’m at that does a film degree.

    • Bowtie French Fry says:

      also people should search up nontraditional school types for more than montessori schools, personally i like the idea of a sudbury school

    • Wierdthingmabob says:

      I went to a Montessori school until 5th grade an I absolutely LOVED it. However the only tipping point of Montessori schools are the teachers. If they’re not properly trained on how to be supportive and treat kids as human beings that you can have a hell of a time in that class

  3. Ahad Rauf says:

    IMO your story about frog dissection is an example of how the experiment DID change your life, by teaching you that becoming a doctor/surgeon probably wasn’t for you. I had friends who genuinely found that process fascinating, and a good number of them pursued medical/biology paths in undergrad/grad.

    • Bee! says:

      You can learn what you want to do without grading it and stressing kids out unnessacarily. If it wasn’t graded it could have been an optional day and then people who had no interesting in gutting a frog could go read or smth rather than doing that. I like writing but I took a creative writing class and its killing any interest I had in it right now. School has a very backwards way of getting you to learn stuff. Doctors don’t need to analyze poetry and poets don’t need to know how to identify the guts of an animal. One size fits all doesn’t work in education

    • Senro Bot says:

      He literally knew prior that he hated guts and gore did you even watch the first 10 seconds ??? He didnt learn AT ALL from this, this is traumatization.

    • enbyfrogz says:

      @ihavespoken shhh don’t pay attention to that, on that subject why not just cut the whole frog dissecting course altogether? no ulterior motive 🐸

    • ihavespoken says:

      @enbyfrogz6766 biased. You have frog in your username

    • Geffro says:

      More choice while still having good amounts of exposure would be ideal. Right now I think there’s a little too much forced exposure and not enough choice, but the exposure is helpful at times. It’s hard to know how much exposure would be best since oftentimes people need to experiment for a while with something before they stop changing their minds on something

  4. SindianStar says:

    The “Just let kids pick what they wanna learn and the teacher could mentor them” Is a real thing! I don’t remember where it is, but there is a school where the kids themself 100% pick what they wanna do and it has shown AMAZING results! Because when you CHOOSE to learn something, you actively do better then if you are forced.

    • 📖Cheese_Chapter📖 says:

      okay but what if you do not know what to do, that is why I learn multiple subjects so I can see what best fits

    • person who lives in ohio says:

      I’ve done so much better in the elective classes that I chose than in the regular classes that I was required to do, I wish they would just let you choose more things in school.

    • Mr. Zik says:

      I think it would be beneficial to have some portion of school time be devoted to self-directed learning, but it would be a bad idea to replace normal classes entirely. Some subjects are super important but aren’t inherently interesting to very many people (e.g. math), students may not discover a lot of their potential interests without being required to learn a baseline amount on a variety of subjects, and some students are going to choose to do as little work as possible.

    • I Am Explosion says:

      vocational schools

    • Ayo? says:

      Agora? Sounds like Agora lol

  5. John Bud says:

    The last idea you had about school at 6:13 is actually real. There’s a Scandinavian K-12 school that follows that exact model of teaching. Students get to school and instead of having a class schedule, each student gets to pick what they want to learn about that day. You could take a culinary course, or a machinery course, or auto shop. Basically any class they have available you can just say “I want to learn ‘X’ today” and then go learn about it. Not to mention the school looks nice, they have plenty of study areas and hangout areas. The school also performs phenomenally well because students are actually passionate about their education and they actually WANT to go to school everyday.

  6. Librus says:

    The gripes I have with school are far too vast for a single comment. And I tend to leave pretty huge comments!

    All I really learnt from pretty much everything up to my senior year in High School was… how to ignore my own limits and mental illnesses so I could suffer in order to get a good grade. This legit got so bad I would have panic attacks every time I slipped up the slightest bit. I still do that, and I’m graduating college soon. It’s awful!

    It’s really evident a lot of education needs to be… rethought. Courses that teach critical thinking and media literacy (considering all the very silly arguments that happen online these days) would be super useful, as well as classes on things I’d probably need to know at this point in my life. What are taxes and how do I pay them? How do I use my savings responsibly? How do I not get screwed over looking for my first job? But instead of all that useful stuff, all I got from those years was legitimate trauma, how bad I am at socializing, and a few kernels of trivia knowledge I could have easily learnt a lot more about from pretty much any online infographic series.

    Nothing to say of my gripes about homework. I get tests and exams and stuff, but I’d like to go home and not freak out about deadlines, thanks? Even now, in college, I have had to manage around a bunch of deadlines at vastly different timescales, and it’s gotten so overwhelming I’ve basically just reverted to begging for extensions from my professors, and small miracles from the Powers That Be. And in my high school, we had mandatory “after school” athletic courses that could go on until 9PM. So we’d have only a seldom hours at the end of the day to study or write papers or anything else. It was so awfully coordinated, and we all suffered, got anxious, and generally were miserable about it.

    If it’s considered a “universal” thing among people to have nightmares about forgetting to study or missing a deadline, I think that’s a sign something is very wrong on a huge scale!

    • theinkysquids says:

      Brilliant comment yes absolutely agree with all of this!

    • Soupidge says:

      mad cuz bad

    • tirsden says:

      I’m 45 and still have university-related nightmares where I suddenly realize some combination of: 1) I haven’t attended my classes in weeks or longer (this one is pretty much a given in the combo), 2) I’m not even sure when midterms are– oh crap, are we near finals?, 3) I don’t *know* where my classes are, and/or 4) I don’t even have my textbooks yet.

      On the topic of electives, in community college I went for an AA Transfer Degree, which meant getting all the general education stuff done ahead of time. I of course had to take classes I really was not interested in, though at first I *was* interested in accounting because I found Accounting 101 and 102 to be fascinating… but by the end of Accounting 103 I knew “this is not the career field for me and I would like to never touch this again thanks.”

      I actually liked the history classes I picked, but they had a good teacher and covered eras of world history I was interested in (WW1, WWII, the Cold War). The irony is, the teacher liked teaching the material so much himself and would go into such detail and follow such fascinating tangents that by the end of the class run, he was like, “Uh, guys… we’re supposed to be almost done with the Cold War now.” We were still in WWII. In a perfect world, he should have been able to take all the time he wanted, especially as we were all paying attention ourselves, but instead, the end of the term was rushed. At least he could grade us as he saw fit, versus “how much of the original planned work did the students complete in full?”

    • Librus says:

      @GIGA LAD Wait, is that actually true?! Yeesh, that explains a few things if so…

    • Librus says:

      @NinjaKittkatt Exactamundo, stranger. It stinks that Grad School is basically where people start to “really specialize” – it being this tier so far up that most people are pretty certain they’re not going to bother.

      I feel like so much of my youth was wasted being only taught how to memorize junk on the short term, and perform well in the eyes of superiors. It honestly feels dystopic.

      The things I could be doing now if my time back then was better spent.

  7. Jevin Johnson says:

    The biggest issue I have with school is that it’s too focused on acedamia and not just learning important things.

  8. Mak n Chill says:

    in my anatomy class on days where we didn’t have anything to do my teacher would put on videos of actual surgeries. The two that I found to be the most interesting and disturbing was a heart transplant and a knee replacement surgery. I remember a lot of my classmates had to distract themselves with their phone or fall asleep in class so they wouldn’t get sick or grossed out.

  9. Trent Klein says:

    Hey Andy I just wanted to say, you’re probably the only YouTuber that I watch that makes interesting sponsorships. I actually watch your sponsorship skits because you make them funny and part of the video instead of feeling forced and out of place! Thank you for being one of my favorite people on YouTube

  10. Geist says:

    i have so much school-related trauma because of how much time was wasted on all the stuff i didn’t need any help with, while all my most pertinent issues and human needs were kept on a back burner. i wholeheartedly agree with the approaches you’ve described here, as i’ve imagined similar solutions to this nonsense curriculum. who knows.. maybe someday we could have an influence on it with our arts.

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