Prince Rupert’s Drop EXPLODING in Epoxy Resin at 456,522 fps – Smarter Every Day 273

Prince Rupert’s Drop EXPLODING in Epoxy Resin at 456,522 fps – Smarter Every Day 273

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30 Responses

  1. SmarterEveryDay says:

    If you’re an academic who would like to collaborate on a paper on this topic please reach out. I have lots of data that I didn’t share in this video and I think we’ve made some significant contributions to the body of knowledge in this area. The main reason I wanted to perform this experiment was to better understand the radial fragmentation distribution of the Prince Rupert’s Drop. After this experiment, I’m not so sure it works like I originally thought.
    Also, I really wanted a Prince Rupert’s Drop shirt. If you’d like one, as well here’s the link!

    Thanks again to everyone who supports Smarter Every Day on Patreon. I’m sincerely grateful!

    • Silent Ferret says:

      Need to make Prince Rupert’s marbles now A marble maker might be a possible key to doing this so it won’t have a tail. I think it would be worth a test and see how strong they really are. Good comparison against would be ceramic bearings. Who knows they might act differently vs a regular slow cooled marble. Need to do a nice bounce test with them.

    • Brad Eagle says:

      I think that the drop is going back in on its self (implodes after it explodes) is due to the resins weight

    • Francis says:

      What about using differing glass compositions to make the PRDs. We know that they can be made from volcanic glass – aka Pele’s tears

    • Bull Shyte says:

      Use Gelatin or ballistics gel.

    • Garathnor says:

      peter brown is THE resin guy to get to help you with parts of this, and also get the slow mo guys in there!

  2. RedKB says:

    I think we can all agree Destin + Prince Rupert Drops equals YouTube magic.

  3. Rick W says:

    Three recommendations here:
    – Try letting the resin fully harden, I’m curious if the shockwave is powerful enough to shatter the hardened resin.
    – Try ballistics gel instead of resin. This should more fully capture the 3d visualization of the drop shattering.
    – Try clear gelatin, as the ballistics gel may be slightly too hard to allow the glass shards to travel through it.

    I loved this video and am fascinated by just how FAST these things shatter!

    • Georgi Hristov says:

      I’d be neat to try and get some color in the cracks of the PRD after it has exploded. Maybe, before exploding it, get a runny layer of colored epoxy on top of the harder clear stuff and let that soak in after the explosion. You could also put the exploded PRD in the vacuum chamber to prevent air bubbles from forming.

    • Forget2BHuman says:

      @Travis Tolbert true, if he let the cube of resin completely harden, they could probably perfectly capture the broken droplet without it moving at all. resin is some tough stuff once fully hardened. kinda shocked they didnt do that, seems painfully obvious

    • TV Viewer says:

      you can pour more resin into the balastic gel after the fact to clear up the resulting view of the shattered glass.

    • Mike Black says:

      Agreed. Clear ballistic gel probably would have worked better.

    • guitarchitectural says:

      @Brandon H he explained at the beginning that the basics of the idea was to replicate what he thought was Hooke’s experiment

  4. Nicholas Flis says:

    You should try this in gelatine. I feel you could do a mass set up having them fully solidified. I think it would distribute the fragments easier.

  5. JohannesMP says:

    Hmm, is there a reason you kept trying to snap it at the middle where it’s way harder than just snapping the very tail tip? You did it right during the last try 🙂

  6. Elizabeth Swims says:

    I’m curious if a two headed drop can be made and will it work the same

    • Michael Steffensen says:

      I think you could if you used two sticks to hold a blob of molten glass and separate them as the glass falls into the water.

    • QuietBear Casey says:

      @Skylined thank you for getting the reference.

    • West Virginia Bigfoot says:

      @Katz Kitson You’re not commenting on the main comment section fyi. I assume your question is aimed at Destin, not this random commenter.

    • Skylined says:

      @QuietBear Casey

      But Egon said to never cross the streams…it would be bad.

    • Dawid Niedźwiecki says:

      we need to see this experiment, even if it fails.

  7. C Mel says:

    one of my favorite videos you have ever done. It shows everyone that science if fun, what a mess, but the laughter and surprise on your face makes it all worth it. Stay in school kids

  8. Greg Emmons says:

    I think it’s cool how the refractive index of the Drop almost matches the resin perfectly. You couldnt tell there was one in the resin until you snapped the tail.

  9. TA[P] Me!! To Have [S]EX With Me says:

    Robert Hooke was a genius! It’s so exciting to see his experiments replicated in the modern day.

  10. Mike Bernard says:

    Loved seeing the iterations on the experiment setup! I wonder what this would look like with a thermal camera.

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