Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses psychedelic assisted therapy: its history, its potential, and what it has to do with A$AP Rocky’s relationship to rainbows.

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37 Responses

  1. Yggdrasil says:

    I was depressed for over 15 years. Tried LSD and during the third trip I could literally feel the depression being washed away from my body. It completely changed my life for the better and I’m now a 31 year old man with an amazing outlook on life and myself. Funny thing is that LSD also “told me” that I was done with the drug after the 7th trip and I haven’t felt the need or desire to do it anymore. My last trip was 3 years ago.
    “If you get the message, hang up the phone” – Alan Watts


      The handle☝️ is a good plug for all kinds of psycheds., MDMA and more🍄….

    • Ana Isabel Ribeiro says:

      I had a lot of resentment towards my close family that was hampering my life. Did one guided LSD trip and made peace with it. I’ve never wanted/needed to do it again

    • Heather McKay says:

      Mushrooms told me the same thing. I can do them if I’m helping a friend through the experience, but I don’t need them anymore.

  2. Rhys O'Dunloe says:

    I didn’t experience psychedelic assisted therapy myself but a fellow patient once told me about her PTSD therapy. She suffered from a childhood trauma because her chronically ill father regularly had her organise his pill dispensers when she was only 9 or 10 years old and ever so often he told her if she got it wrong he’d be dead. When her mother found out months later the damage was already done and when her father finally died about 10 years later it all bubbled up again. Although she knew she had nothing to do with his death her messed up brain connected it to her forced upon responsibility for his drugs. It got so bad that whenever she got near a pill dispenser she panicked.

    To break this connection up she had multiple drug induced regression sessions in which first her doctor acted as another adult who put her dad in his place. If someone was with her in that room back then and spoke up for her she maybe wouldn’t have suffered from this trauma in the first place.
    In later session he had her as the adult she now is stand up for the kid she was then so she subconsciously learned she isn’t that helpless kid anymore. The drugs helped her to ease up and overcome this inner barrier that kept her from what she really needed to do since years – scream all the things that bothered her right into her dead father’s face.
    And it worked magic. We staid in contact and as far as I heard she didn’t need any more therapy since then.

  3. David says:

    I ate some psychedelic truffels with some friends and during the trip and after I felt like I had been emotionally reset. Things that stressed me out and resisted in my mind for months I was able to accept and lay to rest. I did them for fun, but it was a really mind opening and cleansing experience

  4. RetepAdam says:

    My therapist was part of the group that spearheaded this, so this is especially cool to see.

    • tabularasa says:

      ​​@Marijuanifornia Can we have a quick dialogue about this? I see that you have an extensive history of spamming hemp-related comments on this channel. I find this very curious. Surely you recognize that this is one of the few TV shows that has been cutting through anti-drug propaganda for a long time. LWT represents a mainstream media source that is actually doing the influence campaigns that you seem to want. Personally, I’m grateful for it. They have a huge platform with millions of viewers, and they use it to push messages of harm reduction and decriminalization. They are doing the work.

      But you seem to be particularly stuck on the 1940s-era USDA video, which was created after Japan cut off supply lines of vital hemp resources from other Asian nations. It’s a fun video, historically important, and shows how valuable hemp is to national interests– but is it really that relevant to your cause today? Surely you are aware that hemp can be legally grown in the USA now, ever since the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. That was a mission that legalization groups had been working on for decades, and they finally succeeded.

      Also, your suggestion to “spearhead” a movement to end the drug war? The “spearheading” already happened. The movement has been around for 50 years. Multiple organizations have been working on this effort for ages. They have access to resources, connections in D.C., and specific legal measures that they continue to push. I think the best thing the average person can do is contribute to these causes that are already in action. What say you? What are you really trying to accomplish with all these YouTube comments…?

    • Marijuanifornia says:

      Get your therapist to watch the 14-minute 1942 US Department of Agriculture video *Hemp for Victory* and learn how the legalization of “Marihuana” was vital to stopping the Holocaust. Then, spearhead a movement to end the war on drugs.

    • eLLe Booggie says:

      straight up in the 90’s the mdma that i “possibly allegedly” did – was the best therapy i had, 🙂 I have severe GAD, PTSD and Panic Disorder ..

    • christoph lieding says:

      Heard Swiss is doing some proband trails. Hope if big pharma makes a lot of money it will happened.

  5. Martifox says:

    I remember I had done a college thesis on the use of psychoactives in clinical therapy settings, basing my studies on what little research I could uncover from the early to mid 50s. After the presentation, when I opened the floor for questions, my professor raised her hand. I called on her. She stated two things: that psychoactive therapy is “stupid science” and the chemical equivalent of hitting yourself over the head with a baseball bat to cure a cold. I feel like that experience soured me on pursuing that study any further and I really hate that because I feel like I would have been ahead of the curve.

    • Chaosmancer7 says:

      It can be sickening how much education can be wasted by closed- minded “educators”

    • Wade Marley says:

      You didn’t hit back?
      Why do people just put their head down?
      Bro question their dumb ass.
      As soon as someone dismisses your legitimate study, without questions, you hit back, they’re clearly not someone reasonable who cares for teaching, but holding power.

    • nuno oliveira says:

      In my academic experience, there’s a 75% chance that same spineless teacher is now vocally supporting or even researching psychotherapy

    • mercedes gomez says:

      I’m sorry your teacher was so ignorant

  6. on bear feet says:

    I’ve lived with (non-military) PTSD for years. I’ve done a lot of talk therapy, and my symptoms have abated enough that when I heard a chair screech at a restaurant today, I merely whipped my head around rather than diving under the table.

    I found out a couple years back that I was considered a “tricky” patient to match with a therapist, mostly because of some odd cognitive and personality traits that make me a little strange in general. I was willing to take the meds and do the work, but I’m slow to trust and my mind works a little differently from the average, and that made everything harder.

    If I hadn’t lucked into (as it turned out) the weirdest therapist in the county, I’d probably still be having flashbacks and freezing every time a door slams. And I live in a populous urban area with decent insurance coverage. How many people like me DIDN’T luck into getting therapy from a complete weirdo who was willing to work with another one?

    I hope this new research can help some of the many, MANY people who need it.

  7. Io says:

    Omg, this sounds very exciting! I really hope that the people who really need it get it! It’s disgusting how big companies want to scoop up patents already. They’re the problem. 😠

    • Chris L says:

      We’ll see how that lasts. I could definitely see the same channels for buying them still existing if that becomes the issue. This stuff was being made without a massive laboratory, so I fail to see why that couldn’t happen again if we have issues with pricing and availability. Same goes for pot, since it was legalized here, the main issue we have is criminals robbing the dispensaries because the feds won’t allow dispensaries to have bank accounts.

  8. Ichijo Festival says:

    In case anyone’s not aware: this counts as a “lighthearted” segment for LWT. Hope you enjoyed it.

  9. Jessica Holscher says:

    Growing up, I never did any drugs because I was a child of the DARE program. Once cannabis became legal in my state, I tried it. It seemed to do nothing, so I tried it again and again, nothing. Meanwhile, I finally confessed to my husband while i was smoking that “I’m afraid to move my legs, because if i try, I won’t be able to, and then I’ll be paralyzed, but if i don’t try to move them, i’ll be okay.” It took me ten times to realize I was getting high the whole time, but media had me convinced cannabis was a psychedelic because of how it was always portrayed.

    • Fenrir's Daughter says:

      I tried edibles a couple of time, my asthma is terrible so I don’t want to smoke. I had very bad effects that made no sense for everything I have heard about pot. Everyone says it chills you out but I felt so incredibly hostile towards everyone who dared to speak to me. I was so angry, and I am still confused why and what happened.

    • Charles Wettish says:

      @Torinn Balasar Marijuana is not AT ALL similar in danger to alcohol.

      Alcohol and cigarettes’ have killed millions of people. Marijuana has killed zero.

      And if you think cigarettes aren’t a drug and don’t affect your brain, trying working along side a cigarette smoker that doesn’t have their cigarettes.

    • Torinn Balasar says:

      I’ve never had a problem with people smoking pot from a medical perspective; most of what I could find on research implied it was similar in danger to alcohol, so not all that bad in the grand scheme of things. My problem with its use in public stems from the fact that it makes everything near you smell like a skunk sprayed you, and my mother has asthma and already has trouble with normal cigarettes.

    • Chris L says:

      It depends which stuff you’re smoking. The first 2 or 3 times I tried it, I didn’t really get why people liked pot. The next time my roommates put down for the good stuff. I quite honestly don’t remember the next 3 weeks apart from a few moments where I was clearly smoking it up. I wouldn’t blame the drug, I’d blame my roommates for not pointing out that they had got the good stuff, so go easy on it.

    • Elonmir Muskovy says:

      You sound insane

  10. jc says:

    Welcome back, we missed ya. This is such an important topic. I did Ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle with a shaman for a while and it was the most amazing experience ever. It made me realized many things and helped me in my spiritual journey immensely. I hope it is the time for the original plant medicine to help us all rethink and redesign our societies and how we relate to each other and to the earth. I hope for a true change.

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