Tagged: hermitcraft giga base


Hermitcraft S8: MOVING the Castle! | Episode 8

Hermitcraft S8: MOVING the Castle! | Episode 8 In this Hermitcraft episode, we investigate some shenanigans, catch back up with Keralis again, do something a ‘little’ crazy with our castle, grab some clocks for a later heist from Bdubs, chat to cub and meet Evil X! Social Links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/PearlescentMoon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pearlescentmoo/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pearlescentmoon Discord…


Hermitcraft 8 Episode 9: The Swaggon Is Under ATTACK!

Hermitcraft 8 Episode 9: The Swaggon Is Under ATTACK! Hermitcraft season 8 episode 9! We start out Ep 8 of Hermitcraft S8 by meeting up with the Boatem crew and talking about the plan for the area. We are going to make a Giga base together and a shop! The Giga base will be Mumbo,…