Tagged: hermitcraft mega base


Hermitcraft 9 Ep 37: I DID A BAD THING…

Hermitcraft 9 Ep 37: I DID A BAD THING… Hermitcraft season 9 episode 37! This is not the episode I had planned for Hermitcraft today. I got distracted by Grian not finding the backside of the base and ended up in Docm77s base and things went really bad after finding his tunnel-boring redstone machine and…


Hermitcraft 9 Episode 18: I MADE A MOVIE!!!

Hermitcraft 9 Episode 18: I MADE A MOVIE!!! Hermitcraft season 9 episode 18! We start out with my Royal Audition tape: hOtGuY The Siege. I’m super proud of the movie trailer and hope you and KingRen like it. Also, we finish the landscaping around the Hub of the Mega theme park base. It’s good to…


Hermitcraft 8 Episode 14: BETRAYING BOATEM

Hermitcraft 8 Episode 14: BETRAYING BOATEM Hermitcraft season 8 episode 14! We start out Ep 14 of Hermitcraft S8 by looking at my now finished mega Swaggon starter base and build a trap for Bdubs in the Big Eye shopping district. We build a fake cake shop with an explosive charged creeper surprise. But nothing…


Hermitcraft S8: MOVING the Castle! | Episode 8

Hermitcraft S8: MOVING the Castle! | Episode 8 In this Hermitcraft episode, we investigate some shenanigans, catch back up with Keralis again, do something a ‘little’ crazy with our castle, grab some clocks for a later heist from Bdubs, chat to cub and meet Evil X! Social Links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/PearlescentMoon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pearlescentmoo/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pearlescentmoon Discord…