Tagged: nilered


Making purple gold

Making purple gold 💻Thanks to Opera for sponsoring this video! Get a browser that’s literally better at everything, download Opera today: https://opr.as/12-Opera-Browser-NileRed ——————————————————————————- A few years ago I stumbled onto something called purple gold and I really wanted to buy a pure purple gold ring. However, I was devastated when I found out that it…


Turning paint thinner into cherry soda

Turning paint thinner into cherry soda 🕹 Thanks to Opera for sponsoring this video! Get a browser that’s literally better at everything, download Opera today: https://opr.as/Opera-browser-NileRed Check out my pinboard: https://pinboard.opera.com/view/d406cd14-7fe0-44ee-9b03-458d35708f71 ——————————————- For this video, I attempt to turn toxic and nasty paint thinner into some beautiful and amazing tasting cherry soda. If I am…


Making the stinkiest chemical known to man

Making the stinkiest chemical known to man To get started for free, visit https://brilliant.org/nilered or click on the link in the description. The first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant’s annual premium subscription. ——————————————- Thioacetone is something that I’ve been wanting to make for a while, and now, I finally get to experience…


Watch this beaker disappear

Watch this beaker disappear Check out my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NileRed ——————————————- For this one, I want to make a regular beaker disappear. To do this, I’ll first put it in another  beaker, then I’ll pour in a goopy liquid, then almost like magic, the beaker slowly disappears. • Nile talks about lab safety (chemistry is…


Turning cotton balls into cotton candy

Turning cotton balls into cotton candy Classic Logo Shirt: https://bit.ly/3mXTrjG Embroidered Logo Shirt: https://bit.ly/3gYEt96 ——————————————- For a couple years now, I’ve been wanting to turn cotton balls into edible (and literal) cotton candy. It took me a while to figure out how to do it, but I finally did it! Nile talks about lab safety:…