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15 Marvelous Secrets in Elden Ring!

15 Marvelous Secrets in Elden Ring! Buy new OFFICIAL Elden Ring Displate posters: https://displate.com/elden-ring/lands-between?art=5e87123a79f28 ▼ CREDITS ▼ ►Check out Gael’s awesome Malenia fights @SaxSlaveGael ►/u/FaithlessnessLucky55’s post about the Winged Hussars https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/waducf/i_knew_i_had_seen_those_feathers_somewhere_else/ ►Special thanks to @SekiroDubi for making me aware of the 1.0 Guilty Hood description ►Check out /u/Groomgrim’s post on the Erdtree Sentinels: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/z6pvrg/funfact_tree_sentinels_chain_themself_with_their/ ►Check…