Tagged: sonic the hedgehog 2


Film Theory: Sonic is Dying… of HUNGER! (Sonic The Hedgehog)

Film Theory: Sonic is Dying… of HUNGER! (Sonic The Hedgehog) New Holiday TheoryWear available! ► https://theorywear.com/ Okay Theorists, I have to ask: how can Sonic keep his super speed and not DIE?! Seriously, he should be STARVING! Based on his insane running exercise, one chili hot dog would NOT be enough to keep him alive.…


Sonic The Hedgehog Stunts In Real Life! – Challenge

Sonic The Hedgehog Stunts In Real Life! – Challenge The first 1,000 people to use the link or my code “ZEALOUS” will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare. https://skl.sh/zealous03225 #ad We tried to replicate movie stunts from Sonic the Hedgehog! By the way, the stunts lately have been getting a bit easier, so…