The Fastest Maze-Solving Competition On Earth

The Fastest Maze-Solving Competition On Earth

Welcome to Micromouse, the fastest maze-solving competition on Earth. Join Onshape’s community of over 3 million CAD users by creating a free account here:

A huge thank you to Peter Harrison for all of his help introducing us to the world of Micromouse – check out &
Thank you to David Otten, APEC, and the All-Japan Micromouse Competition for having us.
Thank you to Juing-Hei ( & Derek Hall ( for usage of their micromouse videos.
Thank you to John McBride, Yusaku Kanagawa, and Katie Barnshaw for their help with Japanese translations.

Claude Shannon Demonstrates Machine Learning, AT&T Tech Channel Archive –
Mighty mouse, MIT News Magazine –
History, Micromouse Online Blog –
Christiansen, D. (1977). Spectral lines: Announcing the Amazing Micro-Mouse Maze Contest. IEEE Spectrum, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 27-27 –
Allan, R. (1979). Microprocessors: The amazing micromice: See how they won: Probing the innards of the smartest and fastest entries in the Amazing Micro-Mouse Maze Contest. IEEE Spectrum, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 62-65, –
1977-79 – “MOONLIGHT SPECIAL” Battelle Inst. (American), CyberNetic Zoo –
Christiansen, D. (2014). The Amazing MicroMouse Roars On. Spectral Lines –
1986 – MicroMouse history, competition & how it got started in the USA, via YouTube –
The first World Micromouse Contest in Tsubuka, Japan, August 1985 [1/2] by TKsTclip via YouTube –
IEEE. (2018). Micromouse Competition Rules –
Tondra, D. (2004). The Inception of Chedda: A detailed design and analysis of micromouse. University of Nevada –
Braunl, T. (1999). Research relevance of mobile robot competitions. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 32-37 –
All Japan Micromouse 2017 by Peter Harrison, Micromouse Online –
Winning record of the national competition micromouse (half size) competition. mm3sakusya @ wiki (Google translated from Japanese) –
The Fosbury Flop—A Game-Changing Technique, Smithsonian Magazine –
Gold medal winning heights in the Men’s and Women’s high jump at the Summer Olympics from 1896 to 2020, Statistica –
Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., & Soon, P. L. (2016). Design and realization of two-wheel micro-mouse diagonal dashing. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 31(4), 2299-2306. –
Micromouse Turn List, Keri’s Lab –
Green Ye via YouTube –
Classic Micromouse, Excel 9a. Demonstrate fan suction, by TzongYong Khiew via YouTube –
Vacuum Micromouse by Eliot, HACKADAY –

Special thanks to our Patreon supporters:
Emil Abu Milad, Tj Steyn, meg noah, Bernard McGee, KeyWestr, Amadeo Bee, TTST, Balkrishna Heroor, John H. Austin, Jr., john kiehl, Anton Ragin, Diffbot, Gnare, Dave Kircher, Burt Humburg, Blake Byers, Evgeny Skvortsov, Meekay, Bill Linder, Paul Peijzel, Josh Hibschman, Mac Malkawi, Juan Benet, Ubiquity Ventures, Richard Sundvall, Lee Redden, Stephen Wilcox, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Michael Krugman, Sam Lutfi.

Written by Tom Lum and Emily Zhang
Edited by Trenton Oliver
Animated by Ivy Tello
Coordinated by Emily Zhang
Filmed by Yusaku Kanagawa, Emily Zhang, Derek Muller, and Raquel Nuno
Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images and Pond5
Music from Epidemic Sound
Thumbnail by Ren Hurley and Ignat Berbeci
References by Katie Barnshaw
Produced by Derek Muller, Petr Lebedev, and Emily Zhang

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46 Responses

  1. cup o stuff says:

    Those turns are unreal, it looks like the mouse is simply teleporting across across certain parts of the maze

  2. Blender Guru says:

    Sure the mice are impressive, but the animations at 8:40 are surprisingly sophisticated! It made understanding these concepts so much easier. Hats off to the team behind them.

  3. Michael Polakowski says:

    It’d be interesting to add some curved sections to the maze and see how that affects the routing algorithms. It looks like the mice can already handle them mechanically.

  4. Neuro says:

    Once you understand what goes into mouse navigation, this goes from appearing as odd nerd behavior to something genuinely impressive.

  5. Mace Dindu says:

    Absolutely fascinating. It’s a real shame this stuff isn’t aired on major outlets.

  6. M.J. Nilsson says:

    I would love to see a layered maze with multiple floors and ramps, like a parking hall. Bottom is the start and top is the goal

    • Argy Em says:

      And they need to make the problem more complicated again – like adding in the free-standing walls. How about some curved walls, or pegboard holes in the floor, or rough surfaces, or transparent walls, or curtained-off short-cuts?

    • Think About It says:

      Or add “cats” that block parts of the maze as they follow predefined paths. So the mouse has to probe the movement of the cats as well as the walls to find the best path.

    • mudmug says:


    • Shayon says:

      Opening and closing gates like in fall guys

    • Wasgeht Siedasan says:

      Add a lava moat filled with fire alligators

  7. Mr. Wilkinson says:

    It’d be cool to see a maze with different elevations throughout.

  8. Chris Wong says:

    I love how the video is building up the tension of the Japan competition of Utsunomiya trying to beat first place.
    It’s just such a treat to watch

  9. Ryan Salm says:

    This videos was absolutely stunning. You took a sport nobody knew about and turned it into an amazing video. I also wouldn’t of understood a thing without those visuals. Hats off to the team.

  10. Tai Jarman says:

    I did this as part of my electronics university course and it was a lot of fun! Didn’t end up with anything groundbreaking, but it’s great to go through every stage of design and prototyping and create something that actually solves a practical problem, even if it’s a small one.

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