The Insane Story Of The Most Dangerous Movie Ever Made

The Insane Story Of The Most Dangerous Movie Ever Made

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edited by Jake Mayer


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51 Responses

  1. Danny Gonzalez says:

    Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring this video! Go to and find out how you can get 3 months of ExpressVPN free!

  2. Shradi says:

    i have a feeling this movie could’ve easily been animated. wouldn’t be any better but probably significantly safer

  3. illymation says:

    damn this man makes the “we bought a zoo” guy look like a wimp

  4. wes says:

    I find it absolutely insane that Tippi Hedren, after being traumatized from The Birds movie from being attacked by real birds, went ahead and did this movie. Girl must of never wanted to work with animals ever again

    • Oru says:

      @ReyBeltane Saame, I came straight to the comments to see if no one else would mention it. That was the most important part in one of the first images of the article and he just didn’t even acknowledge it.
      She really did go from one traumatic movie experience to -creating- another.

    • ghostlyhousehorrors says:

      @Kelsey Williams As they say Denial is one helluva drug.

    • Kelsey Williams says:

      From what I’ve seen, Hedren spoke out against how Hitchcock treated her but always supported her (ex) husband.

      I would imagine that is some cognitive dissonance or repressing something that’s too hard for your brain to accept.

      Basically, it’s easier to accept that a director you worked for once mistreated you and abused animals than to accept that your spouse mistreated you and your children and abused animals, and that you helped them do it.

    • Wesley Wyndam-Pryce says:

      @Dell12 16 i don’t know why you think that would matter after all the Injuries, before sure but they said work with again, like after this movie.

    • ReyBeltane says:

      I found this part insane, and also the fact that Danny had never heard of her.

  5. BlueFrostTouch91 says:

    Dear Danny
    As a fellow Nutcracker enjoyer, it gravely upsets me that for the past two videos, this one and the review on the dog romance movie, our real boy has been missing. He was last seen on your kissing booth review and as a fellow Greg and on behalf of other fellow Gregs we DEMAND the knowledge of his whereabouts. He must be seen unharmed and in his excellent solider position. If you see this message please address his whereabouts in your next video. If fellow Gregs see this, please spread the word in the comments or on Danny’s Reddit. Your sins will be noticed Daniel 🥸
    Sincerely the person who is outraged and holding you accountable

    Ps this comment’s threats are a joke and should NOT be taken seriously as this is written by a idiot, but I wanna see my no wait OUR nutcracker boy safe and sound

    • k.m says:


    • Caroline O says:

      @Emily Brooks Amen sister! lol idk what that other guys problem is. “Amen” is used in many ways nowadays, most of which are not religious. It’s similar to saying “yeah, I agree”.

    • one person says:


    • Emily Brooks says:

      @° l•v•l /° I’m not the one who made that comment. And I’m not offended. I’m just explaining to you that using amen in that way is an incredibly common thing. The only reason you’re saying they shouldn’t use amen like that is because of your personal religious beliefs. And you’re allowed to have those. But other people aren’t you, and shouldn’t have to avoid doing something just because you personally wouldn’t do it. Using amen like that isn’t disrespectful to Christianity. It’s in the same realm as saying things like “oh my god” or “holy shit.” Those things are never brought up as things that are offensive, even by Christians. Bc most people understand that just because they subscribe to a certain belief system, and a certain way of life, and have a specific set of rules for themselves, doesn’t mean than others people (even other Christians!) subscribe to the same things, and use the same rules for themselves. Just because someone prefers not to eat dairy products doesn’t mean they can be upset with someone else for eating dairy, unless they’re allergic and it was right in front of them. People using amen like that isn’t hurting you, and they don’t subscribe to the same beliefs as you so they shouldn’t need to follow the rules that come with it. That’s what I’m trying to explain to you.

    • Emily Brooks says:

      @° l•v•l /° why would people ever use it for anything else? Because that the way language has evolved. Because so, so, SO many people use it in other ways. Because if you like it or not, the vast majority of the English speaking population uses it in other ways. Lots of people in the modern world are also not religious, or not very religious, and so the word amen doesn’t have the significance to them as it does to a lot of Christians. People are going to use amen in ways other than religion. That is not going to change.


    “No animals were harmed in the making of the movie 70 cast and crew members were” what an absolute line 😭

  7. CourseConsumption says:

    Roar was actually a horror movie, the plot is that the lions turn on the humans and hunt them off one by one. You also didn’t mention how one of their daughters needed facial reconstruction surgery after being mauled by one of the tigers, after already leaving set in fear once and being convinced by her parents to come back. Truly insane story.

  8. Zoid says:

    Milo and Otis was more dangerous in real life than the movie. It’s a film about a pug and a tabby cat going on some crazy adventure but so many animals were harmed in the making of it: “According to a 1990 Australian newspaper report, more than 20 kittens were killed during its production and one cat’s paw was intentionally broken to make it look unsteady when walking.”

  9. Ava Adams says:

    Roar was actually a horror movie, the plot is that the lions turn on the humans and hunt them off one by one. You also didn’t mention how one of their daughters needed facial reconstruction surgery after being mauled by one of the tigers, after already leaving set in fear once and being convinced by her parents to come back. Truly insane story.

  10. Afterglow says:

    Tippi Hedren was a famous actress in the 50’s/60’s so it wasn’t just two totally random people busting into Hollywood. Her name and connections definitely played a part.

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