Hi babygirls! Thank you so much for watching and for supporting! I LOVE YOU!! ❤️❤️


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20 Responses

  1. Breanna Prado says:

    So proud of everything you’ve accomplished Les, the best is yet to come ❤️!!

    • JOVANKA🦋 says:

      ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————💜 LOVEME.UNO/CORNELIA
      𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 💜

      Life’s story is a short journey so have fun before sleeping forever
      #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде
      #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков .#垃圾.
      Megan: ”Hotter”
      Hopi: ”Sweeter”
      Joonie: ”Cooler”
      Yoongi: ”Butter”
      Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
      Megan: “Hotter”
      Hopi: “Sweeter”
      Joonie: “Cooler”
      Yoongi: “Butter” .
      ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
      !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`’守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品“

    • Yanira Salka says:

      —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– SEXY-NUDEGIRLS.HOST 🔞

      Youtube: This is ok Someone: say “Heck” Youtube: gone #But #I #I love #such #fisherman #funny #fun #young female #funny #垃圾

      Youtube: これは大丈夫です
      誰か: 「ヘック」と言う
      Youtube: なくなって
      #しかし #わたし #私は愛する #そのような #漁師 #面白い #楽しい #若い女性 #面白い #垃圾

    • Jieca Misla says:

      Only for fans over 18 years old

      mañas no se la
      Megan: “Hotter”
      Hopi: “Sweeter”
      Joonie: “Cooler”
      Yoongi: “Butter

      Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
      Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
      Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
      Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
      Dene: ”Muzdak”
      Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
      Aç köz arstan
      Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.

      Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
      Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾

      Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente


  2. Andrea McCray says:

    Soo happy for you, Les!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼😍 Big congratulations!!! 🍾🎈🎉🎊

    You might already know this but from 8min 45 sec to the 10 minute mark, it’s silent. No big deal, just in case you didn’t know boo 😘

    • Batfa,,,,,, 👇💋 says:

      *Only for fans over 18 years old* BLONDEGIRLS.SITE

      mañas no se la
      Megan: “Hotter”
      Hopi: “Sweeter”
      Joonie: “Cooler”
      Yoongi: “Butter

      Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
      Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
      Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
      Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
      Dene: ”Muzdak”
      Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
      Aç köz arstan
      Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.

      Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
      Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾

      Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente


    • Maritza Rodriguez says:

      I came to comment this!!!

  3. Lucero Fernandez says:

    It was great watching you get ready this night! I literally got almost everything in ur collection! I got some stuff in the mail today and I’m still waiting on package number 2 😆 so far I LOVE everything

    • du24💘💋 says:

      Only for fans over 18 years old


      Megan: “Hotter”
      Hopi: “Sweeter”
      Joonie: “mundruk”
      Yoongi: “Butter”

      Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
      Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
      Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
      Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
      Dene: ”Muzdak”
      Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
      Aç köz arstan
      Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.
      Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
      Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾

  4. Itzel says:

    Okay the twins had me dead trying to buy the clothes at the launch party 🤣🤣 and les is always a vibe!! Love you Lessssss 💕💕💕

  5. Cass Crow Ghost says:

    Congratulations babygirl Les you definitely deserve it!! It’s literally soo amazing to see how far you’ve came and how much more you’re gonna accomplish! Keep being you and many more blessings coming your way!🥰🥰🙌🏼🙌🏼✨✨✨✨

  6. Elizabeth Guerra says:

    The support system Les has is everything I love it here so proud of all your accomplishments can’t wait to see what’s next 💕

  7. Les Do Makeup says:

    Wow the party decor part is mute sorry!!! Lol I’m just realizing.. sing one for me when you’re watching that part lol 🙈🙈😂😂

    • Valerie Luera says:

      No pasa nada! 😂 Love you Les & Congratulations on all your accomplishments! 🥰🙌🍾🎉🙏💃🏻

    • Jennifer Flores says:

      I was confused for a second 😅
      It’s okay, the outcome is gorgeous.
      No sound is really needed and if you think about, it’s better.
      Gives us the opportunity to actually check out and look at the deco, etc.

    • Christa says:

      I thought my phone was messed up for a second 😂😂

    • Pamela Aldana says:

      Hi less si ay una tienda Steven madden en El Paso está en los oulets

  8. BeautybyMercedez says:

    It’s crazy to know that I started watching her about 4 or 5 years ago in her sisters house then in her parents house and now to look how far she’s came !!! AHHHHH SO PROUD OF YOU LES!!!

  9. Mindy Perez says:

    I feel like Alex is the calm to your storm haha. He is so laid back and composed and just lets you do your thing. You compliment each other so well, congrats to you both

  10. Dash says:

    The support system Les has is everything I love it here so proud of all your accomplishments can’t wait to see what’s next 💕💕

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