Tomorrow Is A New Dawn

Tomorrow Is A New Dawn

#MortalKombat #Teaser #Tomorrow

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41 Responses

  1. Super says:


  2. DELTAPisaMF says:

    Mortal Kombat is the ONE AND ONLY franchise I will always come back to. No matter how long it’s been or how many editions come out. Mortal Kombat will always be in my daily rotation. My big brother got me started in the 90s, and I still play long after he passed. Always will.

  3. Ventturah says:

    Espero que seja o melhor da franquia. Seja em história e em gameplay. Não nos decepcione Netherrealm!!

  4. Rikinho says:

    12 é o último numero do relogio, Vai começar tudo de novo, a história original será refeita porém melhorada

  5. Alec Houston says:

    I must admit, the MK franchise is the one that has me most excited about a new anything. I’m not a fighting game expert, if anything im a filthy casual, but they are the game that speaks to me and at this stage I can’t wait to hear more. ❤

    • XSworn-EnemyX says:

      I admire your honesty. Even if you are a “filthy casual ” I respect you for being honest.

  6. Alezu says:

    Vaya emoción la que siento por ver el nuevo videojuego de mi franquicia favorita <3

  7. DarkPlayer GamingTV says:

    Se viene reinicio épico señores

    • just_2swift says:


      asi parece, wao q emoción
      espero que valdra la pena a ver esperado tanto

    • The Mexican Bear says:

      Quítale lo de épico

    • DarkPlayer GamingTV says:

      @KEVIN DARIO SANCHEZ BAQUERO Yo confió que si desde el MK9 que solo sacan juegazos, aunque si te soy sincero me gustaria que dieran la sorpresa y anunciaran el Shaolin Monks. Pero no creo, sera un reinicio desde que Liu Kang (dios del trueno) volvió todo hacia atrás en Aftermath

    • DarkPlayer GamingTV says:

      @The Mexican Bear Porque si todo lo que hacen es épico, al menos no se es mi opinión como fan de esta saga xd

  8. RealAsItGet14 says:

    My Heart burst outta my ass like a fatality😂 FINALLY!!!!!!!!

  9. Alleclypse UPRISING says:

    It’s impossible for me to not love MK!❤ it’s literally my entire childhood up to this point ❤ I’ve always been hyped about anything that comes from Netherrealm Studios and this, IS NO DIFFERENT ❤ my body is ready 💖💖💖💖💖

  10. Grego Alex says:

    Ansioso para ver minha lutadora preferida, Kitana !!! ❤

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