USA vs China, The War You Can’t See

USA vs China, The War You Can’t See

The US and China are fighting a war. It’s a weird one that’s hard to see.
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The US and China are fighting a war. It’s a weird one that’s hard to see. It’s being fought in government offices, in company boardrooms. And it’s being fought over the most important technology in the world: Microchips.

Next week’s video (about submarines) is live now on Nebula
where I publish every video one week early.

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Johnny Harris is an Emmy-winning journalist. He currently is based in Washington, DC, reporting on interesting trends and stories domestically and around the globe. Johnny’s visual style blends motion graphics with cinematic videography to create content that explains complex issues in relatable ways.

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46 Responses

  1. Johnny Harris says:

    Thanks so much for watching! Be sure to visit to take the free live class – see you in the next video!

    • Greg says:

      @Sebastian Haglund you nailed it. The nuclear family has been destroyed by subversive forces agitating men vs women, black vs white, etc

    • akumaquik says:

      Great episode, loved the speech about how the transistor dominated the world.

    • StrawHat ND says:

      @Cameron Warttig usual computer science stuff programming, data analysis, data science etc

    • F C says:

      If US is trying to “protect” its tech, that’s fine but US is not, US is stealing the tech from Taiwan. US can no longer make chips, Taiwan is far better, that’s why US need TSMC’s “help” to “brought back” “their tech”.
      As a Taiwanese, I wish China protect us from the loser thief US,
      who used to be good in tech, now it’s just a loser who like to brag about how good they WERE like a loser old man while robbing and stealing from others.

    • J G says:

      Really glazed over how the machines that are used in high end FABS are all made by the same exact company, literally ALL of them. You talked about it briefly but it is the strongest focal point as they are so far ahead of any other process creator calling it a blow out would be an understatement. They also recently implied they may not comply with US demands regarding china. Joe Scott has an awesome video on the topic, not their recent statements about the US embargo but the fact tha they really run the whole game.

  2. TayZonday says:

    It’s so mind-boggling to think that we can make transistors less than ten atoms wide now 🤯 — We didn’t even have rockets one-hundred years ago!

  3. Niels on the Road says:

    Cool video and a great way to explain the concept of a microchip. However, I do think you missed an opportunity to highlight the importance and criticality of a single company in this supply chain and therefore geopolitical conflict: ASML. These advanced chips of today would not exist without those lithography machines. In fact, the story itself about how this company established this monopolistic position and over time became Europe’s most valuable company is very interesting and maybe worth telling in a separate video. Actually the Dutch prime minister visited the United States yesterday to specifically talk about this topic and ASML’s role in this geopolitical conflict. You see, ASML would miss out on billions of revenue if they don’t to sell those machines, which cost a minimum of $200 million each, to China. Occasionally they also catch ‘spies’ from China trying to steal company secrets from ASML in the Netherlands. Would love to see a more in-depth video on this as the US can create all the FABS they want but they won’t be able to function without these machines ✌

    • Niels on the Road says:

      @Harrison Fire 🤷‍♂Not sure what you want to say. Last time I checked ASML has 5000 suppliers and Zeiss is one of them. As far as I know they don’t have a monopoly so not sure how the comparison checks out?

    • Mr. Clean says:

      @moonasha So basically Skynet

    • Harrison Fire says:

      And if he makes a separate video about ASML I‘ll copy & paste your comment and only edit „ASML“ to „ZEISS“

    • moonasha says:

      in the current year, AI is evolving so rapidly in the context of war and conflict, that these specialized microchips have to be kept out of the hands of our enemies. I haven’t watched the video yet, but I assume Johnny doesn’t touch on this. Advanced AI has the potential to weaken American stealth and provide battlefield solutions. Imagine an AI that can run a war through a billion iterations until it finds the perfect strategy. That’s the direction things are going. AI already beat chess and go. War is next

    • Dylan Huijgens says:

      Yeah also mist this info in his vid, sad that there is not a lot spoken about the netherlands

  4. Kartik Gandhi says:

    I am an engineer and I studied semiconductors for two semesters in school. Johnny’s explanation of what chips are and how they work was BY FAR the simplest I have ever seen or heard. You really are a gem of a content creator. Please never stop the good work. ❤

    • Haytham Hammud says:

      @Lars Ingerman Haenschke lol nice😂✌️

    • Lars Ingerman Haenschke says:

      @Haytham Hammud Sarcastically? Not at all. I think we agree.

    • Haytham Hammud says:

      @Rohan Sampat naah man as a person attending to study logic and philosophy for msc I could find the conjunction of what you just explained and computers

    • Haytham Hammud says:

      @Lars Ingerman Haenschke I didnt say anything that induces what you said, all I said is the way computer works theoretically (trees for the simplest instance) is kind of inspired by this huge amazing unexplainable(fully) thing called mind
      Part of me believes there’s a global agenda out there trying to convince people what you sarcastically said

    • Rohan Sampat says:

      @Lars Ingerman Haenschke No that part is just inaccurate. Comparing something to the human brain that works NOTHING like the human brain is just not correct no matter which way u look at it. It isn’t condensed or anything, its wrong.

  5. okCobalt says:

    From Doritos to semiconductors, Johnny sure knows a lot about chips.

  6. juskim says:

    This was a great video on chip industry and current global situation of the chip war! I wanted to share something very related where when I was doing my grad studies in chip design, where Huawei was a huge donator/funder for our department’s research (note that I have no say in who funds my research and it’s up to my Professor and university admins). They essentially use offshore grad students (we get paid less than 15 CAD/hour) for new tech innovations since China still lacks creativity and innovation when it comes to new and state-of-the-art chip designs (although, this is changing very quickly!). There has been a lot of restrictions put on how much funding we can get from Huawei and China in Canada’s universities after the chip war ramped up, but it’s interesting to see how they still get around restrictions through Academia.

  7. Coding with Lewis says:

    Love your demonstration on how transistors and circuits work! Trying to get this animation style 🙃

  8. Censrrd says:

    Props to our boys Johnny and the Crew for developing such well researched and thought provoking videos. Wish you luck for future!

  9. Geert says:

    I’d love if there was more talked about the Dutch company ASML. This is the only company that’s able to manufacture the machines that make the most advanced chips. Basically the entire (advanced) chip industry is dependent on this company. The rivals are many years behind this company. The US is trying to keep the Netherlands from selling these machines to China.

    • Keaton wight says:

      @XGDragon I work for ASML in Arizona. Great place to work

    • Lady Jane Grey says:

      The Dutch are allies and have more in common with the United States culturally, why would they want to align with Communist China?

    • XGDragon says:

      I am finishing a PhD in a town near ASML and I am very eligible to work there when I graduate.

      But I’m a little scared to…

    • Taylor Rowekamp says:

      Just adding more info, ASML is right in the middle of this conflict. That said my Counter point is that the dutch could have not developed this machine alone. American engineers made thousands of the most crucial parts in the EUV machine along taiwanese, Korean, and Japanese engineers. They own those patents, and have said they will be revoked if they sell to China. This imo is where it starts to get really blurry.

    • Simone Coletta says:

      @pikachus 5m I’d like a source for that

  10. Keith Griffin says:

    I always love all of your videos but as someone working towards getting my degree in Electrical Engineering, with a concentration in Micro and Nano Devices, I found this particular video even more interesting. Keep up the great work.

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