Version 2.6 Special Program|Genshin Impact

Version 2.6 Special Program|Genshin Impact

Dear Travelers,
This special program will feature juicy details about new game content and developments in Version 2.6. It will also “drop” some redemption codes and other goodies!
Special thanks to Travelers for your support and company. We will bring you more updates and information as they become available~
Travelers, we’ll see you there!
(The redemption codes from this special program will expire on March 19, 00:00 (UTC-4), so be quick and redeem them~)

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38 Responses

  1. Debo Gaming says:

    I’m so happy Genshin makes these videos, it’s nice to listen to them whenever.

  2. Lucie says:

    paring challenge: you must time perfectly to block attacks

    beidou mains: my time has come

  3. Nickter745theBold says:

    I wish we had a look at what Enkanomiya used to look like before it fell into ruin. I also wish that we got Enkanomiya styled realms and furniture for our Serenitea Pot.

    Edit: Good luck to everyone pulling for Ayaka and Ayato. You guys will have better luck than I will.

  4. kima khiangte says:

    After this dark and dangerous Enkanomiya event, this light and lively festival is a much needed event. Yay!

    • Oscar Funez says:

      Pffft. Then we get chasm which has a dark theme with khaenriah and abyss.
      Honestly I’m more excited for the story and also “cliffhanger”. Hmmmmm I wonder what is going to happen.

  5. Deototer says:

    Honestly the things that are going on in the Chasm, with the whole Abyssal energy corrupting hilichurls and crystals, really reminds me of what happened in the Enkanomiya event. Like, even the gadget mechanic is akin to the Bokuso Box.

  6. SnackO says:

    It’s hard to catch up when you’re a student and I’ve been waiting eagerly for this livestream! Can’t wait to watch this in my free time!!🤩 (Also wishing all fellow students the very best with this beautiful update!!)

  7. n3ssa says:

    honestly didn’t enjoy the fact that some people in the live chat were hating on the stream/update bc there was no kazuha rerun💀 as someone who’s also saving up for kazuha and wants ayato at the same time, kazuha’s rerun being at a later time seems reasonable to me. anywho, wishing luck to everyone on their pulls! <3

    • Çrybãby says:

      @ImmortalRecon I mean so have venti fans 🤷‍♀️

    • Ezra King says:

      hah! that’s what those cry babies get for eazy skipping him… bunch of sheeps

    • SIN says:

      i know right? such childish acts, then just wait? is it so hard to wait for his banner? why dont they think about people who would want kazuha but doesnt have enough primo to pull for him 🤡

    • triggerstickz says:

      Same! I want Ayato and Kazuha, and the fact that they’re not together in the same version makes things so much easier for me 😀

    • n3ssa says:

      @ImmortalRecon i can see where you’re coming from, but if you’re able to get him within a few multis once he has a rerun, you would still have primos left over for other characters you’re interested in, so it would seem like a win-win situation to me

  8. Bànóczki Rebeka says:

    I just hope Enjou will also make an appearance, I wonder how he would interact with the other lector and herald.

  9. yur mom says:

    i hope everyone gets who they want, and I hope you get your desired weapon! Wish me luck on rolling for Ayato, my pity’s basically gonna be at 72 now!

  10. yuki says:

    Quite happy about this knowing that there is going to be a whole new events and a whole bunch of things I just hope WE WIN THE 50/50 FOR AYATo VENti AND OR AYAKA

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