VIRAL VIDEOS that are actually good

VIRAL VIDEOS that are actually good

woo lets react to funny videos haha ahah

👕LAZAR Merch –

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30 Responses

  1. Wells’s Schopen says:

    Lazarbeam should get a Oscar for the best children suffering reactor

  2. SlowedWorld says:

    I will never grow tired of Lannan’s faces in his thumbnails. Comedy gold almost every time!

  3. KodieTheAussieAlastorFanBrony says:

    Every LazarBeam video I click on, I always “Like” before watching it. Man is an absolute bloody legend through and through

  4. Dyna Go To My ChanneI LiVE NOW says:

    Let me guess,
    “You have to be honest, he never disappoints with his content” 🤨

  5. Michael Reddington says:

    8 mins of lazar beam every 2 weeks is not enough

  6. chris kirk says:

    These were a great set of videos, but I agree we need more Lazar weekly if possible.

  7. MONSTER GAMER says:

    Lazarbeam Should get every award for all his videos! When he makes a new one, its funnier then ever!

  8. PizzaHunter says:

    6:33 so on planes there are these set of flaps that are literally just called flaps and you only use them when you take off and land. its to increase drag when you land and increase lift when you take off. In the early days of airplanes they didn’t have these and they didn’t need them to take off but they still needed to slow down and this is how they would do it, except the wing that is closest to the runway would be tilted down I think its called crabbing.

  9. Don’t read my profile picture says:

    Can we just appreciate how many work he out in his videos

  10. Ava Adams says:

    I will never grow tired of Lannan’s faces in his thumbnails. Comedy gold almost every time!

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