What Happens if You Wake Up in the Middle of Surgery? #shorts #surgery

What Happens if You Wake Up in the Middle of Surgery? #shorts #surgery

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52 Responses

  1. Martha Ramos says:

    My brother in law woke up during gall bladder surgery a long time ago, before laparoscopic surgery. He raised his head and watched as they were removing things from his abdomen. He said they were talking non-surgery talk. They noticed he was awake and suddenly he went back to sleep. Afterwards he told them he remembered waking up during the surgery, but they played it down and basically ignored him.

    • Catnip Weed says:

      @Tony Mouannes uh I just saw a video about somebody airing their doctors cuz the anesthesia wore off during his colon surgery and they never bothered to put him back to sleep.

    • Tony Mouannes says:

      @Catnip Weed that’s different, because in that case the doctor did put them back to sleep. Also the details of what happened can make a difference. But the simple fact of waking up doesn’t create a legal case in and by itself. Also there are lots of frivolous lawsuits, it’s hard to tell which ones are legit without analyzing the details.

    • Catnip Weed says:

      @Tony Mouannes yes. But having people wake up during surgery is still a bad look, makes people question the hospitals and doctor’s professionalism. And yeah it does open the door to legal liability since it’s considered as a medical incident. Not yet an accident, and incident.

    • Tony Mouannes says:

      @Catnip Weed some people are more resistant that others to anesthesia and it’s easy to overdose someone. So the doctor wants to give you the minimum possible dose. Because different bodies react differently, some people will end up waking up. The other option would be to give a bit higher dose for everyone, but that would increase the risk of side effects or death.
      It only looks bad because of people’s expectations.

    • Jeremy Caswell says:

      He really should have called them out on it, that’s some serious legal trouble

  2. Sally Chandler says:

    A friend of mine woke up while having surgery on his arm. He propped himself up on his other arm, watching the surgeon work. After a while, the surgeon noticed and screamed bloody murder at the anesthesiologist to knock him out. True story! He had warned them ahead of time that he was drug resistant but they didn’t listen.

  3. Lupin IV says:

    I actually have woken up during a procedure before and started talking. They told me to stop talking and gave me more anesthesia so I fell back asleep.

  4.  ShortHax says:

    It’s fine, if you wake up, just go back to sleep. It’s as simple as that

  5. Izices says:

    My mother has woken up during surgery before, she has a VERY high resistance to anesthetic.
    They realized quickly and upped her dose, putting her back to sleep as quickly as she woke up.

    • Just Kibby says:

      @Dianne Grace Casil when I went through alcohol training, I was told that “alcohol tolerance” wasn’t a thing. Its not how you tolerate the alcohol, its how good you are at faking being sober. I’m not sure if I 100% agree with that training I had though.

    • FreshedPotato says:

      @Just Kibby idk but I have problems sleeping

    • Tris وَرْد says:

      @Just Kibby lots of people with connective tissue disorders also suffer from anaesthetic resistance. I have resistance for entonox(gas), lidocaine, lignocaine, all the local anaesthetic really. I can feel everything. When i was a kid i didnt have the social skills to communicate the dentist was hurting me because i thought anaestethic just wasn’t very good lol

    • Just Kibby says:

      @Tris وَرْد I have the same problem at the dentist, I always need a 2nd round of gum jabs. I was recently sedated for the 1st time, completely sedated and I didn’t have any issues with that.

    • Nikki says:

      @Just Kibby ooof I have to strongly disagree with that training. Where/who was this? Alcohol, like most substances absolutely can carry a tolerance with it. A pro might be able to knock back 20 drinks without it doing physically much whereas that would literally kill me. Some people can absolutely function semi normally with an insanely high blood alcohol %But you’re correct with the behaving sober bit, that’s also definitely a factor but no amount of behaving sober will keep a person that would otherwise be unconscious, sick, or dead; awake, well, and alive. To be clear I’m not an expert and I don’t know the exact workings of alcoholic functioning. I’m Just someone with a lot of prior drug experience and I feel booze works very similarly to that of like, an opiate tolerance. Yes more was needed to “mess me up” but I could literally perfectly handle an amount that would kill an opiate naive person.

  6. Bercilak says:

    I woke up during a cardiac ablation. Only for a brief few seconds, but I just have opened my eyes as I recall seeing the ugly beige ceiling and vaguely hearing talking before they pretty quickly knocked me back out.

    Much weirder was when I came to too early in recovery. It was also for a different attempt at a cardiac ablation, and they hadn’t yet removed the arterial sheathes. I have never experienced anything so otherworldly as feeling them pull them out of me while I was conscious. I didn’t exactly hurt, but it wasn’t pleasant, either.

  7. FlyingPastaKitty says:

    This one E.R. doc told me a story of how he woke up in the middle of a colonoscopy(I might have spelled that wrong). He was like: “I am never doing that again. I felt the camera moving around! It was extremely weird and uncomfortable…”

    I don’t know how we got into that conversation because my medical issue was lung related. (I have asthma that sends me to the hospital at least 2-3 times a year.)

    Either way I was like: “Oof. Colonoscopies are already a pain to do. The prep for one is time consuming and already not fun!”

    For the prep you have to drink magnesium citrate, water, Gatorade and not eat.

    I have used magnesium citrate before. It is not fun. You will not leave the bathroom! I used it because I was way too constipated one time and didn’t want an enema!

  8. Pembroke Love says:

    It actually happens quite a lot. Most of the time, the patient doesn’t even remember. We just adjust the anesthesia and they are back out. Fortunately, they don’t typically wake up panicked or in pain because of the sheer amount of drugs coursing through their systems, they are mostly confused and think they are dreaming.

    • Quitalis says:

      @eclipseluna2990 I was in such a situation myself. I had to remove some of my teeth, but the anaesthesia they used was expired. I remember feeling everything but the doctors thought i was lying.

    • Roger Thomas says:

      Thank you for this. 😃

    • sandra Jones says:

      Propofal(spelling) Milk of Amniseia

    • Aijsd IJDNi says:

      @First Last It can be hard to sue for a lot of people. Either they don’t have the money to take it to court, or the hospital usually will lie and deny something like that ever happening.

    • Thunder_Gurl says:

      Please don’t play it down like that. It’s a horrible experience and you know nothing about what trauma it causes. I still to this day can’t trust health workers. And I still have nightmares about it 15 years later. And all I get from those who are supposed to care is “it happens”… Well… Make it NOT happen then!!!!

  9. Pixie Stix says:

    I woke up during GI surgery to hear everyone in the room discussing the NBA playoffs. I tried to chime in but could only make gurgling noises because I was intubated. The room went silent and I was out like a light in about 2 seconds.
    I asked the surgeon about it in post op and he just laughed and changed the subject.

  10. Carie B says:

    I woke up and could feel everything my cardiologist was doing. Cutting, pulling putting in the pacemaker, sewing me back up. I couldn’t speak to let them know I WAS AWAKE. That was in 2001, so in 2009 they made sure I was asleep that time.

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