Why I Stole My Friends ENTIRE House

Why I Stole My Friends ENTIRE House

Why I Stole My Friends ENTIRE House

@Bionic Reacts
@Danny Bionic

TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
Instagram: @danny.bionic
Discord: https://discord.gg/bionic
My Editor: @Mutant


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12 Responses

  1. Caleb Chow says:

    I like how Bionic always comes up with amazing ideas to entertain us!

  2. germany German ball says:

    bionic you should remove the pressure plates at your door you never know if it’s a trap

  3. Luiza_BXx_girl says:

    You know it’s gonna be a banger when he says “Im gonna pick up my friends ENTIRE pineapple house”. With Liger

  4. GKOAT says:

    So happy to see bionic using old tools like hammer

  5. Sean Sarson says:

    like how it backfired on him and made his house look even cooler :0

  6. @Cursed_Rendy says:

    Bionic is slowly becoming DONI

  7. Gabrielgood75 says:

    The usually Bionic Trolling his friends.

  8. UNKNOWN says:

    Bionic is just like doni in this video

  9. Tanjir0 says:

    Who remembers when Bionic shaved his head bald 🙃🙃 oh the good old days :))

  10. Ramon Rapon says:

    Asking bionic to transform the world into magma

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