Tagged: mausoleum knight


We Need to Talk About Miquella

We Need to Talk About Miquella ►Support the channel with Posters & Apparel at https://vaatividya.com/ SHOUTOUTS BELOW ►Follow Eugenia Lysa on Twitter https://twitter.com/JaneLysa911 ►Queelag on YouTube @Quelaag and her video on metals https://youtu.be/WGYenEGAP90 ►Garden of Eyes on YouTube @GardenOfEyes and their mods https://www.patreon.com/GardenOfEyes ►/u/ Tintinmdm’s post on Reddit about Godwyn https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/uym8o5/identity_of_the_person_hugging_miquella_and/ ►Sodapoppin bad https://youtu.be/s-c_MAB4o-8 ►Sekiro…