LACKADAISY Season 1 Teaser

LACKADAISY Season 1 Teaser

You heard right! Lackadaisy SEASON ONE is now up for funding on BACKERKIT

Click the following link
and help fund season one by purchasing plushies, books, pins, and more!

Ends on August 24th 8pm Central

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34 Responses

  1. Amy Sutton says:

    The future is looking bright for Lackadaisy and I couldn’t be happier.

  2. Invicta says:

    As someone who can’t afford to fund the project, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has!! You guys are amazing <3

  3. Thunderfox32! says:

    Poor Rocky. I’ve only known about this boy for a few months and already my heart melts for him. Bless Mitzi for giving him a job.

    • Thunderfox32! says:

      Lackadaisy inspired me to write my own comic about a young cynical black-footed cat serial killer named Jenni Graves, who’s after her father’s killer and her more cheerful cheetah partner, Marley Dash. If Lackadaisy is accepting character ideas and submissions, I would be more than happy to give them Jenni and Marley, free of charge! Jenni was inspired by Mordecai whilst Marley was inspired by Rocky.

  4. Michael Singh says:

    Love how they’re keeping the characters’ skeleton sketches. It emphasizes how this setting is a lot more “scraping by” and how not every character is able to pay the bills.

    • Simone Perkins says:

      That and it has it in the style of old 1920’s-80’s hand drawn animation where if you look into animation back then you can sometimes see the Skeleton there.

    • pumkin patchwork says:

      someone who worked on this actually mentioned that with the way toon boom (their animation program) worked, they couldn’t actually “keep” the sketches, so they actually manually drew them back in on top of the clean lines! the dedication for this show is incredible

    • candycoloredprotagonist says:

      there was a scene like that in helluva boss too, idk if it was on purpose or not but it was definitely cool

  5. • Somewhat Galactic • 👑🎗️ says:

    Goal has been MORE than met, it’s been almost tripled. I’m so happy for you all, everyone does such a great job on this wonderful creation. Thank you, everyone who works on this, for bringing us such a great series. It’s going to be amazing!

  6. Alex Burton says:

    In an age of much turmoil and uncertainty in the animation industry, this shines like a lighthouse through a thick fog. Can’t wait to see more.

  7. NoneTooMany says:

    This show is going to MASSIVELY impact the online animation space!

  8. Sam Wilde says:

    Dude, you guys on the lackadaisy crew are the next generation of animated tv shows and I am honored to be here for it

  9. Nancy Taylor says:

    I’m sure some of us had a grin like Rocky’s inside or out when we found out there’s gonna be more of this.

  10. DaniMendoza says:

    Le tengo mucha fe a este proyecto, con solo el piloto y el teaser puedo decir que van a ROMPERLA en internet. ❤

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