Tagged: fnaf movie review


Food Theory: FNAF Was Right, Breakfast SUCKS!

Food Theory: FNAF Was Right, Breakfast SUCKS! *🆕 Don’t Miss Our Latest Theorywear Drop!* Shop new FNAF apparel today! ► https://theorywear.com our ol’ pal Ness, from the FNAF movie, brought up an interesting question: is breakfast _really_ the most important meal of the day? You see, loyal Theorist, breakfast companies have been LYING to you…


Film Theory: The FNAF Movie Just Changed the LORE!

Film Theory: The FNAF Movie Just Changed the LORE! *🆕 Don’t Miss Our Latest Theorywear Drop!* Shop new FNAF apparel today! ► https://theorywear.com OOOH boy, loyal Theorists! The FNAF movie was a doozy. We’ve already predicted what _was_ going to happen in the FNAF movie. We’ve shown behind the scenes of the MatPat cameo. Heck,…


Film Theory: My Secret’s Out… I’m in the FNAF Movie!

Film Theory: My Secret’s Out… I’m in the FNAF Movie! *🆕 FNAF Merch is Here!* Shop our New Theorywear FNAF Line! ► https://theorywear.com/collections/five-nights-at-freddys-official-collection Yes, loyal Theorist, the secret’s out: I’m in the FNAF movie! Wow, that feels good to say. After months of keeping this cameo under wraps, the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is…