Pastor’s daughter lets it slip at the podium!

Pastor’s daughter lets it slip at the podium!

Pastor’s daughter lets it slip at the podium! What do you think of when you hear the word “bud”??

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25 Responses

  1. Kalvin Singh says:

    1:00 Steve always kills me with his reactions to an answer 😂😂

  2. SYukimi says:

    Just because she is a pastor’s daughter, doesn’t mean she has no common sense.

  3. Inha Chung says:

    You know you screwed up when even the family members next to you don’t say “good answer!”

  4. Justin M. says:

    I love how Steve always emphasizes the “Pastor” part 😂

  5. Chris Chong says:

    BUD Lightyear. Ugh bless her heart. She’s adorable 😊

  6. The Smithersy says:

    I miss the days when Steve would freak out whenever anyone mentioned weed.

  7. Tam'a'ryth says:

    “Books.” LOVED Steve’s reaction!

  8. SlickNick says:

    Alexis is adorable

  9. BohepansTheThird says:

    Somewhere out there, Tom Hanks/Woody is laughing his plastic hat off right now, in front of a very unimpressed Buzz Lightyear.
    “Hey, remember back in the 90s, during the first movie, when I called you ‘Light Beer’ as an insult? _Well here it comes full circle!_ Now your new nickname is “BUD LIGHT YEAR’. You know what they say. _”Nothing beats a Bud!”_ [proceeds to fall over laughing hysterically]”

  10. Alex Otto says:

    “Bud Lightyear” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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