Reasons Why You’re Single

Reasons Why You’re Single

Are you single and ready to minggg… er i mean laugh about it? Here are some reasons you might be playing hard to get w/o even knowing.

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Additional art by: Zeurel

Song by: OSRSBeatz

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40 Responses

  1. Jason Budhram says:

    This is easily the most relatable video I have ever seen IN MY LIFE. 🫶🏽🫡

  2. Vars says:

    Swoozie went from giving reasons why we’re single to telling us a story about his life LOL

  3. dolphincrescent54 says:

    Reason why I’m single: I freakin’ love it. I have books, a sweet dog, nuff said. I’m basically a hermit and proud of it thank y’all very much!

  4. Ocean Man says:

    The end hit different for me. I should never have been with someone so controlling with a “my way or the highway” mindset. Compromise is such an important yet ignored thing in relationships sometimes, among other things like listening to and respecting your partner. It was an eye-opening experience for me, and it showed me how a relationship should never be. I’m happy to be single and free!!! I’m currently grinding in my first semester of law school. Thank you Swoozie for the banger video as always 👏🏻💯🧡

    • sWooZie says:

      These are the type a comments I love. AND you took me on a life story too. Thanks for hanging in the premiere stream also Ocean! I hold no ill will toward any of my ex’s either. I’m still on good terms with all of them because at the end of the day everything that happens to us is a lesson and we can let even failed relationships lead us to growth with the right attitude!

    • Factoids says:

      @sWooZie great perspective

    • Ocean Man says:

      @sWooZie Woah thank you so much for replying!!! Yes, I completely agree with you that everything happens for a reason. Thank you for your encouraging words!! Your hilarious videos, love of Disney (I really love Disney), and relatability have resonated with me so
      much over the years!! I love your work ethic and style, please keep it going ☺️🧡

    • TheUnholyOne says:

      I left my ex when she pretended to apologize for her actions, only to do them again in less than three days. You made the right choice leaving.

  5. Esse-Holl says:

    I’m single because I don’t leave my house🫣

  6. rayray L. says:

    I’m so happy I came across this video. I really needed some validation. Both of my siblings are in relationships and plan to bring their partners to family holiday events. I couldn’t help but feel left out. But, when I really thought about it, I was like, “Who am I fooling? Being in a relationship requires effort I am not ready to give.”

  7. JoJo's World says:

    I love free therapy

  8. SignoftheStar says:

    Hey Swooz. Long time subscriber here.
    Just watched that documentary, and bro. That moment around 5:05 where you talk about having your life planned ahead of you and it just getting erased… that hit me, man. I’ve never seen you get emotional like that, and I felt that. I felt that so hard. Even after all the success you’ve had, for that to still sting you like it does.
    I’ve spent the last thirteen years of my life doing everything I could to be either a priest or a friar. For as far back as I could remember, that’s what I knew I was supposed to be. I put everything on it. Things kept going wrong, but I still pushed. Like you said, living by faith, not by sight. Finally, just over a year ago, I got so close. I was just a few days before the finish line, the happiest I had ever been in my life, and then out of nowhere, everything, everything just got pulled out from under me. All that time, all that work, just… gone. Totally believing in myself, and being the only one.
    It’s like you said, though. No one has my voice. I’ve got stories to tell. I’ve got a lot to share. I think YouTube really is the place to do that. I might not have a whole lot going for me, but I am a storyteller. That’s something I love. That’s something I hope I can do.
    Thank you for being out here and sharing yourself with us, Adande. You really are a beautiful soul, and it has been an honor to follow you all these years and be a part of your journey.

    • sWooZie says:

      Really appreciate u checking out the doc friend! U guys don’t see it but there is a LOT of sacrifice that goes into this 🙂 But like I mentioned, hopefully much more awesome stuff to share on the way!

  9. 😈Ann - CHEСК THЕ PR0FILЕ😈 says:

    Never expected Swoozie to get a documentary. It’s cool to see how far he’s come

  10. SoulDragonWithFlow says:

    The reason I’m single is cos I’m heavily disabled and literally no one wants to/has to/should have to deal with that. But you do you.

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