Sir do you wanna play a game

Sir do you wanna play a game

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32 Responses

  1. That-Dude-Jeffe says:

    I like how confused the dude looks while walking off

  2. Andy Llamas says:

    Plot twist: He was planning on marrying the guy but he was trying to leave and was also confused

  3. V i d e o s #2 says:

    Plot Twist: When the guy’s eyes were closed the Magician stole his ring. That was the real magic

  4. Luis Alonso says:

    You have to lower your IQ to understand what is happening here

  5. GlitchMaster D says:

    For people who don’t understand.
    He only had one arm so it will always be the same answer

  6. Westen's Toy Reviews says:

    I dont know who’s more confused, the dude or me

  7. JCLION says:

    Dude was lost as hell but this is hilarious

  8. Sebastian Michaelis says:

    OOOOOOH HE DOESN’T HAVE A LEFT HAND 🤣 that took me like 10 minutes to notice

  9. Joshua Animation says:

    I like how he rob and confuse the man without knowing it

  10. FLANK says:

    To the people who don’t get it, at the end it shows he doesn’t have the other arm.

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