300: Spartans, Snyder & Shenanigans

300: Spartans, Snyder & Shenanigans

There once was a battle in Ancient Greece. Thousands of years later that battle became a comic. That comic became a movie. That movie became a meme. And that meme was forgotten until now.

This is 300.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HubPointless


00:00: Intro
02:07: The Comic
05:40: Zach Snyder
09:15: Characters
11:47: Other Characters
14:12: The Persians
14:30: Legacy

Character animations created by Audimate

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50 Responses

  1. PointlessHub says:

    Fun Fact: The fancy new mouth is just an experiment. If you hate it enough I can go back.

    That’s the magic of the internet

  2. Drag0nerd says:

    The sudden lipsyncing was a pleasant surprise that made me physically recoil in fear

  3. Matt Frank says:

    Cody’s voice after learning about the Deadliest Warrior connection is literally the most excitement I’ve ever heard come out of him.

  4. Quinton Doss says:

    The fact that you recognized Delios’ actor from Deadliest Warrior and not from Lord of the Rings is wild to me. The Faramir disrespect is wild 😂

  5. He's That Guy says:

    Fun fact. The baby killing part was totally real. They’ve found massive dead baby pits outside many ancient Greek cities, not just Sparta..

  6. Etienne Loiso says:

    I once worked with mentally handicaped people, and one of them told me 300 was his favorite historical movie
    He then proceed to explain to me for 47 straight minutes the deep lore of his favorite wrestler, assuring me that “it’s for real, otherwise they wouldn’t get hurt”
    Godspeed lil man, godspeed

    • Lord Trigon says:

      Well now I gotta know, which wrestler?

    • Toastotaku707 says:

      He knew the truth.

    • Etienne Loiso says:

      @Lord Trigon (i don’t know much, please forgive me) it was the snake guy ?
      He was saying “he has eyes in his back, like a snake, that’s why he always know when someone’s coming from behind”
      So pure

    • Lord Trigon says:

      @Etienne Loiso Jake “The Snake” Roberts, “The Texas Rattlesnake” Stone Cold Steve Austin and “The Viper” Randy Orton are the most famous wrestlers associated with snakes I can think of. Any of those ring a bell?

      “47 minutes of lore” made me assume it was Undertaker or Kane… XD

    • Etienne Loiso says:

      @Lord Trigon I’ll be honest : I have no idea, I was mostly trying to get through the day at that point
      To elaborate, for the 3/4 of an hour he explained to me how his “ability” worked, and every relation to others that wrestler had, but he was so happy to talk about it he fumbled a lot

  7. The Scaarbo says:

    Fun fact. The reason so many of the most memorable lines are historically accurate is because Spartans were specifically trained and taught to reply as often as possible with badass one liners. So much to the point that the term “laconic” originates from them (Laconia being the region Sparta is in).

    Edit: to everyone calling bull, look up laconic phrases. Spartans would literally be punished if their replies were too wordy. Laconic speech was meant to be precise, blunt and witty. Hence, they were constantly dishing out badass or hilarious one liners. Look them up for yourselves to find some really choice examples.

    • goldenfiberwheat238 says:

      I doubt that

    • Sean Reynolds says:

      Idk about that but they did like poetry a lot so they definitely knew their way with words

    • Brennen Poffenroth says:

      I don’t know about that but Spartans definitely had some of the best retorts you’ll hear from history for sure. My favorite was when a visitor came and asked “who is the greatest man in Sparta” and was told “the one least like you”

    • AzureWolf says:

      @Brennen Poffenrothit’s funny how so many of the most bad ass quotes are from ancient times, yet we don’t really have that anymore. Embellishing and making it sound even better over centuries likely does that.

    • random user says:

      Laconic means someone who uses “as few words as possible”, the channel Kings & Generals video few week ago had a great example; the Spartan’s report after a defeat was simply: “the ships are gone. Mindarus has disappeared. the men are hungry. we don’t know what to do.” (https://youtu.be/zJjIOm_EMbA?t=774)
      that’s laconic but not “badass one liners”

  8. Rexy_ Mirror says:

    Did not expect your mouth to move.

    Your animation skills are improving.


    Cody you honestly bring up a great point when mentioning how people often overlook the fact that 300 is not a direct adaptation of a historical event. I know a lot of people can dismiss by that fact alone but considering its an adaptation of a very visually striking graphic novel really makes me appreciate it in a new light

    • Brennen Poffenroth says:

      I always kind of interpreted it as Faramir recollecting the Battle of Thermopylae in his own words in order to psyche his men up before a battle by exaggerating every detail but that’s just me. I didn’t know the movie was based off a graphic novel until recently

    • sunsetman22 says:

      idk why he acts like he’s dropping truth bombs or fact checking the fucking historical facts of a Frank Miller graphic novel.

  10. Urapooper says:

    I didn’t know it was based on a comic based on an old movie. The fact that it was faithful to the comic book is just amazing, mad respect.

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