I had surgery… my body tried to drown me

I had surgery… my body tried to drown me

So I been… in pain… ^^;

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29 Responses

  1. Haminations says:

    So glad you’re ok! Hope the pain subsides! ❤

  2. Wolfychu says:

    I’m so glad you’re okay! Take care Rebecca, I hope the pain goes away really soon! 😢❤

  3. Eddache says:

    Such commitment to keep posting videos even after you died. What a trooper!

  4. Milkyway says:

    The fact that she’s so goddamn resilient and still pushing through the pain to see us smile makes me so happy! Your a real trooper, hope ya get better soon Becka!

  5. Dan_Ganing_Fan says:

    I’m glad you’re alright now and I hope the pain subsides soon. You are such a trooper. Please take all the time you need to fully recover, and take care. ❤

  6. Tiffany Gonzalez says:

    I love how even through the pain she still as enthusiastic as ever! Feel better Becca!❤❤❤

  7. ★Cap★ says:

    Had gallbladder surgery last year after years of gallbladder attacks that doctors gaslit me about and refused to treat. It had gone septic and I needed to be rushed to the state hospital to get it removed.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Feel better soon, Becca!

    • W E says:

      I know how it feels to have problems with the gallbladder myself

    • Bigkid10 says:

      my mom had gall-bladder a year or two ago

    • Luna Dremurr says:

      That was my mom’s experience too, for months she was having problems that we went to a few hospitals for but they always dismissed her until her gallbladder ruptured and she nearly died 🙃

    • Min says:

      no yeah I had surgery for removal last year after a bad gallbladder attack. and I already had underlying gas and stomach issues. Luckily never had been in that kind of pain sense. have had gas pain still from time to time

    • Dragon Saphira says:

      I just had my gallbladder taken out a couple days ago so I definitely know your pain! I was sent to the ER for mine, but they didn’t immediately take it out and I had to schedule surgery for it! I had several stones😅

  8. Fiona Jennings says:

    I know seeing the doctor can be scary, but good thing you were able to find a solution to your pain. I’m hoping for a speedy recovery and glad you’re okay now! 🙂

  9. Autumngirl28 says:

    Nothing short of amazing, that you are able to throw a short video together, despite just having surgery, being in pain, and in the mits of recovering from said surgery! Take all the time you need to get back on your feet, Becca! We’ll be here when you get back! We love you! ❤

  10. Max Thesenvitz says:

    I can’t lie. This year has also been rough with me. I had a level 5 Dog Bite and Apendix surgery, my total scars on my Abdomin is now 6 like you! I honestly hope you feel better and dont want you to feel the amount of pain as I went through.

    I sincerly hope you recover better than ever. Have a restful week Becca!

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