Minecraft, But Your XP = Your IQ…

Minecraft, But Your XP = Your IQ…

Minecraft, But Your XP = Your IQ…

@Bionic Reacts
@Danny Bionic

TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
Instagram: @danny.bionic
Discord: https://discord.gg/bionic
My Editor: @Mutant

#minecraft #MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge

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16 Responses

  1. SanityMC says:

    Bionic has the least amount of brain cells but he ended being so powerful and I’m proud of him, keep it up Bionic, love the vids till the end!!!

  2. ShadowBlaze173 says:

    “We have to be the smarterest in the world!” -Bionic 1:43

  3. xdTheeranm says:

    “Obviously we wanna become the *smarterest * in the world”
    Far from it buddy

  4. Kinro Magrene says:

    Hermosa elección COMSEN.UNO
    -de los mejores conciertos-

    23:23 Senada: “Hermoso”
    23:23 Megan: “Hotter”
    23:23 Hopi: “Sweeter”
    23:23 Joonie: “Cooler”
    23:23 Yoongi: “Butter”
    23:23 Amor: “Momentos”

    23:23 -los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer- …
    -Son unos de los mejores conciertos, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente- …

  5. ·〰Poofie~Baku〰·💘 says:

    Bionic has the least amount of brain cells but he ended being so powerful and I’m proud of him, keep it up Bionic, love the vids till the end!!!

  6. ・your non favorite person 👍・ says:

    Bionic has the least amount of brain cells but he ended being so powerful and I’m proud of him, keep it up Bionic, love the vids till the end!!!

  7. chitus minecraft adventure $ says:

    Bionic has the least amount of brain cells but he ended being so powerful and I’m proud of him, keep it up Bionic, love the vids till the end!!!

  8. Gm88 says:

    Even with 2 brain cells, Bionic is still powerful.

    • 盧嘉藍 says:

      W e a k
      I have -10 brain cells and I have beaten Minecraft with the least amount of casualties than yo mama

    • Kunjarae Haemuni says:

      🥰❤️❤️ Todas muito lindas. Mas em primeiro lugar juntas as de números 10 e 1. Uma👉 .Zeimbut.Host morena e outra loira.Seria injusto se eu escolhece 4..fo..Love duas são as minhas preferidas no topo da son

    • Lonely Cat says:

      @RLM reporting

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