Our birth, fighting postpartum depression & C-section recovery | Ep. 29

Our birth, fighting postpartum depression & C-section recovery | Ep. 29

Baby August was born!! In this episode we talk through the process of having a C-section and about how we feel to now be a family of four!

Listen to Matt’s song: https://open.spotify.com/album/1nIJ7tyN1WMHmyNPQV9Sje?si=wnAHsNhSSWuQa3tzaF5e4Q

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21 Responses

  1. Beverley says:

    Abby sweetie I’m a midwife with 30 years experience. I just want to say how brave you are to express yourself at such a vulnerable time. You’ve just helped so so many new moms. ❤

  2. Sunny says:

    I think every mom watching this cried with you when you talked about the postpartum emotions. It’s crazy how quickly we forget that part of postpartum once it’s past but how EASY it is to go back to that space when someone else talks about it.

  3. Destiny Evans says:

    I just gave birth last Wednesday on the 16th and I cannot tell you how much I needed to hear this. I’m struggling at the moment with my hormones and baby blues. Thank you for being so honest because no one talks about the emotional shift as much as they should.

    • adm102987 says:

      Sweet girl, I remember that period just like it was yesterday. I know you already heard it from Abby, but just wanted you to know you’re not alone. Those first few weeks are the most emotionally draining days. I wanted so badly with both of mine that I just wanted to put them back in my belly. Like, you still want them, but you just don’t feel prepared enough to handle all the change. Also it’s like your mourning your old life…but soon the baby will be tucked right into the norm, and you will start feeling better❤

    • Destiny Evans says:

      Thank you so much this perfectly describes everything I’m feeling right now. I felt awful thinking how I wish she was back in my belly and thinking of all the things I can’t do easily anymore. I’m so happy to hear that it passes ❤️ I love my baby girl endlessly but the transition is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do!

  4. jennj says:

    Postpartum emotions are HARD. I cried about everything. I cried because I loved my husband. I cried because my mom was helping me. The emotions you feel are just heightened x1,000 so every mole hill is a mountain. I had my first 9 months ago and I still remember the emotions. Watching this brings it back like it was yesterday. Praying for you, Abby and Matt!

    • Carrie says:

      I had my child almost 4 years ago and I remember the wave of emotions like it was yesterday. It is so so hard. I cried so much, it’s all overwhelming. Being a mom is something fierce, I’m crying right now. My heart goes out to Abby and all new moms. ❤

  5. Denice Pickens says:

    I’m a postpartum doula, this episode is SO beautiful. Abby you articulated the postpartum experience so well. I applaud you guys for sharing this.

  6. Teresqa01 says:

    Abby said she won’t read comments but if you Matt do read them – tell her I’m sooo thankful for you guys being sooo honest!!! The world needs the TRUTH and this story is full of truth especially the part about your marriage status right now. You’ll get through that 💕🤚 thank you!!!

  7. ireland munden says:

    Ugh broke my heart when she started feeling pathetic. Felt the exact same after my c section. A new mom not being able to get up and help, in so much pain, so loopy, and struggling with breastfeeding. The helpless feeling is so horrible. You want to be the #1 person for your baby because you feel they are all they know. You protected them for 9months and then they are taken out and you can’t rush over to them feels so vulnerable.

    • Emily Breunig says:

      I’m a c section mama too. It’s like the “difficult” part of a c section comes later instead for recover for a major surgery with a newborn! Still wouldn’t change the experience for the world. How lucky are we to be able to have these incredible babies!!
      Also Matt and Abby- just to know if you have another c section, my catheter was in for 3 nights following my 6:30pm c section. Just know it’s an option and it was helpful for me especially so I didn’t have to move and squat to go pee!

    • Kristen Nelson says:

      You thought scissors but to me it felt like they were sawing me open but yeah you can feel pressure but not pain and all I could feel was my body rocking back and forth

  8. GlamoureyesByKate says:

    As a woman I really appreciate Abby showing her vulnerability. We’re often told not to cry and that it’s weak but it really is the opposite. Especially on this platform!

  9. Holly Fae says:

    This is so important! I wish all expecting/new moms listened to this, so they wouldn’t feel like something is wrong with them when they have these feelings. Abby does an incredible job of explaining this. Sending all of you so much love, I’m glad Abby has such a great support system. ❤️

  10. Jessica says:

    I think social media can really shield the reality of pregnancy, the birth experience, hospital stays and the raising of children because people don’t tell everything about the worst parts. Those parts are all equally as important. Everything about it all is hard. I’m proud of you.

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