We Rescued a Dog Shelter

We Rescued a Dog Shelter

Not only are are House of Macadamia’s (http://houseofmacadamias.com/beast) products incredibly delicious and healthy, but they have been exceptionally generous to our Philanthropy. Besides sponsoring this video, they will also donate ALL THE PROFIT from the sales made from this video to Beast Philanthropy and the rest will support Africa’s macadamia nut farmers. Don’t forget to use the code “BEAST” when you order, and you will get also get a FREE BOX (12 bags) of chocolate covered macadamias for free. #ad


Michael, and his amazing team do so much to help these dogs, but there are still thousands of strays that need help. Please visit https://tmtrd.org/ to donate, or click the donate button to help us to support our furry friends around the world.

Filmed and Edited by: Dan Mace ( @DanMace )

Many of you have commented on the music in the videos. Now you can enjoy this music on Spotify and, just like the channel, every penny we earn will be put back into the projects we do. (https://open.spotify.com/artist/400iD3n8DqB8wGqxDv6pSB)

Follow us so we can help more people together:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beastphilanthropy/
Website: https://www.beastphilanthropy.org/campaign/rebuilding-baphumelele
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@beastphilanthropy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeastPhilanthr
Facebook: ​​https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084586484118
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/400iD3n8DqB8wGqxDv6pSB

Beast Philanthropy Video Disclaimer: This video was produced by Beast Philanthropy Productions, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company. Any revenue generated for Beast Philanthropy Productions, LLC from this video will be donated to MrCharity, Inc. dba Beast Philanthropy, a North Carolina 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. #sponsored

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32 Responses

  1. randomguythatwatchesshorts says:


  2. jackziel says:

    Gracias por cuidar a los animales

  3. Autumn says:

    I work in animal rescue and you actually managed to make me cry. These sorts of miracles don’t happen in our line of work. They really don’t. It’s constant hurdles, fundraising, exhaustion…. for usually no pay at all. You’ve done so so much more than you realize, you’ve helped way more than ‘just’ the thousands of dogs in Thailand. Even more, you’ve given ALL of us rescuers around the world hope to keep going, keep fighting, keep the dream alive. Thanks, Jimmy. I needed this today.

  4. Bennie says:

    As a dog and cat lover, thank you so much Mr.Beast for doing this while our government doesn’t care to do anything about this issue 😢

  5. SKOPI says:

    imagine hating this man. he saves dogs and humans and honestly he’s just amazing. great content the whole 9 yards

  6. Green Quad says:

    Mr beast you never fail to entertain and help people and animals

  7. Epoy says:

    Thank you Mr Beast! Please continue to help more Dogs and other animals 🫶🏻

  8. Vadico 35 says:

    Ótima atitude, precisamos de mais atitudes assim…

  9. 1N0te says:

    As a forever dog lover, it breaks my heart seeing dogs get abandoned or that are strays, and it hurts that there are so many out there that go through so many rough challenges. My family and I actually have a rescue dog of 5 years, and even though he is old and grouchy, he still loves us and we love him back just as much. Seeing Jimmy and everyone help this dog lover help even more dogs in the future touches me.

  10. sashek says:


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