6 Tall People vs 1 Secret Short Person

6 Tall People vs 1 Secret Short Person

Beta Squad get Strangers to Guess Who The Short Person is, Inspired by Jubilee’s Odd Man Out
Check out the Primo clothing the boys are wearing here! http://www.primoclo.com
Subscribe to everyone!
AJ: @AjShabeel
Sharky: @sharky
Chunkz: @ChunkzEast
Niko: @Niko
Kenny: @KingKennyTV

Editor: @Chewbonic

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29 Responses

  1. Niko Omilana says:

    We really photoshopped AJ as taller in the thumbnail so people could still see him 😭😭

  2. Oiram 94 says:

    Aj just has tall energy. He can take over a room with how smooth he was talking.

  3. The CNSR says:

    AJ’s lowkey been practising pretending he’s not short for over 10 years, so not surprised he made it far 😂

  4. Yurio Sato says:

    I cant believe how Kenny manages to get himself into the most awkward and pathetic situations everytime 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣 its so funny to see his reactions

  5. xPreame says:

    Never realised how tall everyone actually was cause Niko just makes them all short

  6. Malvo _ says:

    I nominate Chunkz to do this voice at least once every video 😂😂

  7. Jeoq says:

    Never realised how tall everyone actually was cause Niko just makes them all short

  8. Sue D Lamb says:

    Never realised how tall everyone actually was cause Niko just makes them all short

  9. JulliaStark says:

    Chunkz’s round got me thinking that “6 teenagers vs 1 secret adult” whould be a banger.

  10. mmm says:

    6:48 as a short person i can confirm, falling down the stairs does feel like skydiving

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