This was a difficult video for me to post. But it’s real life.



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My channel is a fun place for people to enjoy the world of beauty! If you leave mean negative comments or resort to name calling, I will delete your comment & block you. My channel is not the place. This world is so ugly & negative & we desperately need to make a change. I cant control the world, but I can control my channel. Constructive criticism is always welcome! “you’re a lying bitch” is NOT constructive ! Don’t feel like you need to kiss my ass. Feel free to speak your mind but please respect each other! XOXO

#jaclynsjourney #jaclynhill

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35 Responses

  1. Jaclyn Hill says:

    As you can see, I “cheated” ALOT! I’m really struggling but it’s getting easier & easier.

    • Chelsea Sargent says:

      Maybe try doing 30 or 60 days straight of healthy eating with basically no cheat days so your body doesn’t keep craving it. If you keep reminding your body how delicious it is it’s going to want more. I know it’s so hard when there’s people around and you’re in that environment but just make sure you’re bringing healthy snacks and and when you’re out or ordering food just make sure the people around you are holding you accountable as well. It can be a team effort so you’re not alone!

    • Karen Ann MUA says:

      hey sweetie, to avoid sugar cravings, take a magnesium supplement. Usually, these cravings are a sign of a magnesium deficiency.

    • Emily C says:

      a little “treat” not “cheat” – don’t beat yourself up so badly, it can lead to more of the same!! change your mindset and you’ll change your life, get it jac❤️

    • Olga’s Beauty & Makeup says:

      It’s definitely not easy, but I respect how you keep trying and you keep going, I’m rooting for you sweetie!✨🙏🏻✨💖💓

    • Amanda Worrell says:

      it’s a journey! you should check out carleegetsgnarlee and how she still eats what she likes, but figures how to balance it!

  2. Alicia Danni says:

    Just remember when you restrict you will binge later. You don’t need to restrict completely your fave foods. Rice, beans, salsa all are healthy options, even a sandwich and bread is okay to have you just try to make better choices and also see how you feel when your eating certain things. If your happy eating pasta and feel good then girl eat the pasta lol dress it up and find healthy ways to eat your faves 🙂 God bless girl!! Remember your doing this not to lose weight but to feel better so focus on that!

  3. Tawny Jenkins says:

    When you break a diet, never get in that mindset of “now I have to start over.” Think about it like this- when you go on a road trip and you miss a turn, do you drive allll the way back home and start over? No! You keep going because it’s a JOURNEY. You’ve got this, we all know you do.

  4. Jolina Mennen says:

    not Jordan holding the special light for you at the beach to celebrate that gorgeous glow! the power the two of you hold as a couple is superior 🤌🏼🔥❤️

  5. G Cam says:

    I say this out of nothing by kindness and respect, but I sincerely think you need to speak to a dietician or nutritionist. When you’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food for so long it is extremely difficult to break patterns and habits on your own without the help of professionals. You have the means and resources to hire someone who can help you make better food and lifestyle choices that I really think would benefit you and anyone watching who struggles similarly to you. Its a shame to watch someone struggle needlessly when help is available. I wish you nothing but the best on your health journey!

    • Adriana Gutierrez says:

      I agree!!! It’s like seeing a therapist for mental struggles. A nutritionist is like a therapist for food! If you have the means take advantage! 🙏🏻 Wish you nothing but the best of success on your journey Jaclyn! You got this gurl! 💪🏻

    • Ann Lea says:

      @Adriana Gutierrez i was just thinking this. She needs a dietician.

    • kelly Grek says:

      I think Colleen Christiansen the no food rules RD would be amazing for ger

  6. Jessica says:

    It’s so hard to eat healthy and stick to a diet when everyone else around you is eating to their heart’s content, especially when you’re traveling! I know you said you were really embarrassed about this video but I’m glad this is showing a more realistic and accurate portrayal of how difficult getting back on track can be.

    • Fitasticfoods says:

      Not really! When you have tunnel vision , you actually feel empowered when you say no to things that don’t serve your purpose at the moment! Get the mind right and the body will follow!

  7. THE WADS says:

    One day at a time! Just keep going, you’re doing great. When you were talking about hydrating, I was like… Yes. Me too.

  8. Clair F**СК МЕ - СНЕCK MY РR0FILЕ says:

    It’s so hard to eat healthy and stick to a diet when everyone else around you is eating to their heart’s content, especially when you’re traveling! I know you said you were really embarrassed about this video but I’m glad this is showing a more realistic and accurate portrayal of how difficult getting back on track can be.

  9. Emely_ T[A]P Me!! To Have [S]EX💞 With Me says:

    It’s all about mindset girl. Really. There are no “good” foods or “bad” foods. Everything in moderation and yes, i also agree that 80% of your lifestyle should be healthy and the other 20 should be you indulging in whatever. Thats a great way to look at it.

  10. Blair -T{αα}P Me!! To F.C.K W!th Me says:

    I want to remind everyone that this is Jacklyn’s Journey. It’s important to keep in mind that none of us would go through this the same way. Everyone’s body’s react differently, everyone’s minds handle stress differently, and we should be respectful of that. Have faith in our girl; Jaclyn knows what she can and can’t handle. We’re here to support her healthy lifestyle, not criticise it.

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